“That was pretty crazy. I’m so sorry about your camera. I remember you mentioning that it belonged to your father.”

Her kind words have tears pricking the backs of my eyes and it takes effort to blink them away. I remind myself that it was just an object and I shouldn’t attach so much sentimentality to it, but that doesn’t make the loss any less painful.

“Thanks,” I whisper.

Before I realize what’s happening, Everly swallows up the distance between us and pulls me into her arms before squeezing tight. I’ve never been much of a hugger. Maybe that’s because there haven’t been many people in my life I felt comfortable or close to.

Instead of discomfort or awkwardness bubbling up inside me by the show of physical affection, it feels good. It takes a couple seconds before my muscles loosen and I sink into her warm embrace. It’s almost a shock when a splash of wetness hits my cheek and my shoulders begin to shake. She rubs soothing circles across my back, all the while whispering words of comfort in my ear.

Once the tears dry up, embarrassment slams into me and I untangle myself before taking a giant step in retreat. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where all that came from.”

Then again, the past few weeks have been stressful. A never-ending rollercoaster of emotions. Just when I think it’s coming to an end and I can finally take a breather, it rushes into high speed, roaring over the tracks. It won’t take much for me to reach breaking point. The cracks in the façade are there, widening with each new development.

Her brows draw together as she gives me a sympathetic smile. “It’s okay. Sometimes we just need to let it all out. Crying isn’t a weakness. It’s cathartic.”

Feeling foolish for the emotional outburst, I swipe at a stray tear. “I appreciate your kindness, I really do.”

She shifts and tilts her head. “It’s not a problem. I like you, Delilah. And I know everything’s been shit lately. I don’t claim to understand what’s going on, but I’m here if you ever want to talk.”

Unlike when Sloane made a similar offer, I actually believe Everly is sincere. Even though she’s friends with Summer, it’s doubtful she would weaponize my secrets against me.

For just a moment, I waver. It’s so tempting to blurt out the truth and purge it from my system once and for all. Even if she isn’t able to do anything more than listen.

When I remain silent, indecision circling through my head, her hand drifts to my shoulder. “I’m serious. You can talk to me any time.”

“Thank you.” Instead of opening up, I say, “There are just some things I need to work out for myself.”

“I get that. Your relationship with Austin seems…complicated. Honestly, I’m not sure what to make of it. And then there’s Jasper.”

The muscles in my belly contract at the mention of my ex’s name. All I want is for him to leave me alone and move on with his life, but he refuses to do that.

“I think Austin and I are in a good place.” After last night, I certainly hope so.

She nods toward the house. “Want to head back with me, or were you planning to stay out a little longer?”

My gaze gets drawn to the waves that roll toward the shoreline. Even though I had a near-death experience and lost Dad’s camera, this trip hasn’t been all bad. I finally feel like Austin and I are on the same page. The need to see him again floods through me, suffusing every cell.

“I’ll walk with you,” I say with a smile.

Her face brightens and I can’t resist thinking that Everly is really beautiful with her bouncy auburn hair and bright, turquoise eyes. She’s curvy with a killer body. Even though Duke acts like he can’t stand her, I have the sneaking suspicion that there’s more than meets the eye in regard to their relationship.

Whoever said the line between love and hate is thin was right.

Then again, sometimes it’s just hate.

When we’re about halfway to the house, Everly says, “You know, Summer really does like you.”

Surprised by the comment, I huff out a disbelieving laugh. “That might have been true a couple weeks ago, but I doubt that’s the case any longer.”

She flicks a glance in my direction as the wind continues to whip over us. “She’s protective of her twin and doesn’t want to see him hurt.”

“He’s just as protective,” I murmur.

“That’s true. But don’t worry, I’m trying to soften her up. We’ll see how it goes.”

“I won’t hold my breath.”

Once we reach the sprawling house, Everly stops. “I’m going to stretch for a couple of minutes but I’ll catch you later, all right?”