Her wide, frightened eyes flicker to mine. Pure terror lights them up.

Just as I’m about to wrestle it from her, she shoves it away and throws herself at the ladder, clinging to it as if for dear life. A choked cry escapes from her as she grasps it, attempting to hoist herself up the rungs. My hands settle on her bottom, forcing her upward as Duke leans down to grab hold of her wrist.

“You’re safe,” I grunt, only wanting to put her at ease. “Everything’s going to be all right.”

When the sole of her Converse slips on the slender tread, a startled cry escapes from her. Duke grits his teeth as he lifts her from the water. Her feet dangle for a couple of seconds before Kingsley snatches her from the air, wrapping his hands around her waist and dragging her over the railing and onto the deck.

It’s only when Delilah is safely onboard does the adrenaline leak from my body and I realize my limbs are shaking. The waves lick at the side of the vessel as my heartbeat thunders in my ears until it’s the only thing I’m cognizant of.

I’ve always been physically strong, but right now, after the terror of almost losing her, I feel weak as a kitten. It takes every bit of strength and energy to haul myself from the water. The moment I crest the railing, my gaze scans the dozen or so faces watching us. People have their hands pressed to their mouths as they stare in shock. The party atmosphere is long gone.

Voices drone in the background as someone scrambles to find a towel or blanket to wrap around Delilah as she sits huddled on the floor. It’s only when my attention locks on her that everything settles and I can once again breathe. I hadn’t realized how anxious I’d become when she’d been out of my sight until this very moment.

Her teeth chatter as her frightened gaze fastens on mine. Withher arms banded tightly around her middle, she looks small and lost. That’s all it takes for instinct to pound through my body, propelling me forward.

Water drips from my hair and soaked clothing. People scatter out of my way as I swallow up the distance between us until I’m close enough to pull her into my arms. A sob escapes from her as she rises to her feet and lands against my chest. Her body shivers almost violently.

Or maybe that’s me.

“You need to get out of these wet clothes,” I tell her.

When she fails to respond, I pull back just enough to search her eyes for comprehension. They swim with tears and there’s a glassy, faraway look filling them as if she’s not really here with me.


She’s in shock.

It’s more important than ever to get her out of these drenched clothes and warm her up. The whimper that escapes from her when I untangle my arms and pull away breaks my heart.

“Shhh,” I say. “I need to strip off my clothes and then we’ll get you out of yours.”

She remains unresponsive, continuing to tremble as I grip the hem of my sweatshirt and tug it over my head before peeling away the wet T-shirt. The cotton clings to my chest, feeling colder than when I was submerged in the lake.

I kick off my shoes and yank off the sopping socks before flicking open the button of my jeans and shoving the thick denim down my legs until I’m standing in nothing more than black boxer briefs.

It takes a moment to realize that the boat has become quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

“Well, damn,” Sloane mutters.

I don’t bother glancing at the circle of people gathered around us as I strip off Delilah’s sweatshirt and the sodden shirt beneath. My gaze falls to her breasts and my mouth dries. Her bra has turned almost translucent and her pink-tipped nipples are puckered, poking insistently through the thin fabric. Goosebumps ripple across her flesh.

Someone clears their throat and it’s tempting to swing around and bare my teeth. Instead, I drop to my haunches and loosen the laces of her shoes. Like everything else, they’re waterlogged.

I glance up and say softly, “Lift your foot.”

Her skin has turned almost ghostly as the teeth chattering grows louder.

When she continues to zone out, I lower my voice, attempting to break through the thick mental fog that has descended. “Pick up your foot, Delilah. I need to take off your shoe.”

She blinks before slowly following the command.

Once her Converse have been removed, I straighten to my full height and go to work on her jeans. The button gets flicked open and the zipper dragged down before the material is peeled over the curve of her hips and thighs. Her trembling fingers settle on my shoulders as she lifts one foot and then the other. It’s only when I’ve tossed the soaked material to the side that I stare at her panty-covered pussy. She’s wearing pale pink underwear and the outline of her lips is clearly visible through the thin cotton.

“I need a blanket,” I shout.

The last thing I want is any of these assholes ogling her while she’s in such a vulnerable state.

A few seconds later, Summer shoves her way through the press of bodies and carefully drapes a thick blanket around her shoulders. My sister’s concerned gaze remains locked on Delilah as I gather her up like she weighs nothing at all and stalk to the curved couch near the back of the boat. I settle on a plush cushion with her held securely in my arms before gently arranging her on my lap until we’re both covered by the thick blanket. Her body trembles as she burrows against my chest. Her chilled skin presses to mine as I stroke my hands over her arms and back, trying to warm her.