A potent concoction of heat and tenderness swirls through his eyes.
It’s intoxicating.
And I want more of it.
I want him to always look at me that way.
Is it possible that I’ve finally broken through the wall that separates us?
“I’m bored,” Aubrey whines now that Austin’s attention is riveted elsewhere before rising to her feet. “I need a drink.”
“Girl, same. I’m entirely too sober for this,” Sloane agrees.
Once they take off, the world shrinks down even more. There are still people sitting around us and talking, but I’m no longer cognizant of them. My focus is centered on Austin and the way his eyes are locked on mine. He continues to stroke my throat with gentle touches that lull me into a strange state of contentment.
“Did you bring your camera?”
“Then go take your pictures.”
Those five words should have me jumping up and racing away.
I certainly shouldn’t need to be told twice.
Instead, I stay rooted in place, eyes locked on him. “Are you sure?”
“As much as I’d like to keep you here for the rest of the trip, I won’t. You’ve proven yourself.”
Relief rushes through me.
For a long moment, his grip stays locked around my hair as his other hand strokes the delicate column of my throat. My body loosens as I close my eyes, enjoying his touch. It no longer matters who is watching or what they’re saying.
It’s almost a surprise when a whimper escapes from me.
“So fucking perfect,” he whispers before both hands disappear.
When I crack my eyes open, our gazes lock and arousal explodes in the air around us.
“Go. Before I change my mind.” His voice drops several octaves, sounding as if it’s been scraped raw.
As I straighten, using his knees to balance, his hands wrap around my waist, helping me to rise. On shaky legs, I stumble to where my camera bag sits on the couch next to Duke. My gaze hesitantly flickers to him and I steel myself for the condemnation I’ll find in his expression.
I’m not wrong. There’s a mixture of confusion and anger swirling through his eyes.
“I’m going to take a few photos,” I force myself to say.
He shoots a look at Austin before his attention resettles on me. I can tell he’s trying to figure out what’s going on between us.
“Want me to come with?”
“No, but thank you.”
I open up the soft black bag and slip the old Nikon free. Kingsley cuts the engine, making it easier to move around the boat. With my camera in hand, I cautiously make my way to the front where it’s less crowded. It’s windier and there’s less seating available. Brilliant sunlight beats down on me and I can’t resist the urge to tip my face toward the sky and enjoy the warmth as it strokes over my bare skin. I draw a deep breath of fresh air into my lungs before slowly releasing it.
Then, I lift the camera to my face and adjust the lens until the water and the land is just visible on the horizon and press the shutter button. When a few seagulls soar overhead, I tip the camera upward and lock on them in the viewfinder. The water is such an intense blue. As it laps at the side of the boat, I can’t help but wonder how deep it is.
It's beautiful but fathomless.