Just remember what you promised, sweet girl. I’m going to hold you to it.
As the memory echoes throughout my brain, a pit blooms at the bottom of my belly. I realize what’s going to happen before the words are out of his mouth. Barely is there time to brace myself.
“What’s wrong?” Duke whispers, his warm breath ghosting over my ear.
My tongue darts out to moisten my lips as I twist in his arms to meet his searching gaze. “I, ah—”
Before I can blurt the rest, Austin’s deep voice slices through the noise.
“Come here, Delilah.”
Too late.
Much too late.
My muscles turn rigid. I’m like a rabbit caught in the crosshairs of a hunter’s rifle.
Duke twists his head and scowls at the other boy before glancing at me again. His expression softens as our eyes lock. “Just ignore him.”
If only that were possible.
When I made that promise earlier this morning, I meant it. I just didn’t expect…
Maybe I should have.
I press my lips together before taking a peek. Sloane and Aubrey are curled up against each side of his stretched-out body. His muscular arms rest along the back of the plush cushions. They’re not wrapped around the girls or encouraging their intimacy.
When I give my head a barely perceptible shake, silently pleading with him not to do this in front of everyone, his eyes turn hard, their penetrating green gaze skewering me in place, making it difficult to draw in breath.
“Come here.” His low voice vibrates throughout the atmosphere before settling in my core like a heavy stone. From the way Aubrey’s eyes dilate, she feels it as well and cuddles closer to his chest before pawing at him.
All conversations abruptly grind to a halt. It’s obvious that our classmates have gone quiet and are watching the scene unfold with growing interest.
“What do you want with her, Hawthorne?” Duke snaps. “Just leave Delilah alone.”
Austin’s gaze never falters from mine. “Now.”
The command is like a punch to the gut.
Or maybe the punch is lower.
“Ignore him,” Duke repeats, only louder this time. “He’s just as much of an asshole as Jasper.”
That’s where he’s wrong. Austin isnothinglike my ex. Duke might not understand what’s going on, but I do.
This is a test.
And the only way to pass is to keep my promise.
With at least a dozen curious eyes watching, I gather my strength before rising unsteadily to my feet. I keep my attention focused on Austin the entire time. It would be impossible to miss the satisfaction that flickers in his green depths.
When I take a tentative step, he says softly, “Hands and knees.”
Oh god.
My mouth turns cottony as heat scalds my cheeks, making them feel as if they’re on fire.
“Delilah,” Duke snaps. “Don’t do it.”