I hate myself for the hot licks of jealousy that rush through every fiber of my being.
Stop staring.
Look away.
But I can’t.
“Instead of trying to punish you for the pictures, he needs to get over it and move the fuck on. He’s taking his dickishness to a whole new level,” Duke mutters, deep voice breaking into the turmoil of my thoughts and yanking me back to the present.
That’s not going to happen.
“At some point, he will,” I say softly, hoping it’s the truth.
His gaze burns into mine. “He’s a fucking idiot for thinking you’d do anything with Jasper after all the rumors he’s been spreading.”
My shoulders fall as a reluctant sigh escapes from me. “Too much has happened for him to believe the truth.”
Duke tugs me close and presses a brief kiss against the crown of my head. “He’s missing out, and by the time he realizes it, it’ll be too late.”
The indisputable truth is that there will never be a time for us. My heart clenches at the realization that Austin and I were over before we ever had a chance to start.
“Thanks,” I say with a small smile. “You’re a good friend.”
Even though I try to avert my gaze, it reluctantly meanders back to Austin. His eyes are narrowed, and his lips are smashed together in a thin line as he glares through the flames. Aubrey reaches up on the tips of her toes and whispers something in his ear. He rips his gaze from mine before staring down at her.
With a grin, she wraps her fingers around his wrist and takes a step before tugging his hand. With one final glare in my direction, he turns away, disappearing into the velvety darkness that presses in at the edges.
Before I have a chance to think about what I’m doing, I untangle myself from Duke’s arms and take off after them.
“Hey,” he calls after me. “Where are you going?”
I pause, throwing a glance over my shoulder. “To grab a drink. I’ll be back in a sec.”
Even though there’s only firelight for illumination, it would be impossible to miss the concern that flashes across his face, and I know he’s thinking about what happened at the party in Hawthorne. “Want me to come with you?”
I shake my head and force a smile. “No, I’ll be back in a sec.”
Before Duke can take matters into his own hands, I swing away and weave through the throng of writhing bodies, searching each face for one in particular. Every step has my heartbeat ratcheting up, becoming more of a painful tattoo against my chest, until it feels as if it’s thudding in my ears.
Part of me wonders what the hell I’m doing.
Am I really chasing after Austin?
Clearly, he’s taken off with another girl. If I were smart, I’d put a stop to this madness and make my way back to Duke. Better yet, I’d return to the safety of the house before more damage can be inflicted. Maybe if Austin and Aubrey get together, he’ll forget about me and his plans for revenge.
I pause as that thought ricochets through my brain.
That’s what I want, right?
It’s what Ishouldwant.
But do I?
I almost wince at the tiny voice at the back of my head.
Before I can talk myself out of this madness, I search the beach, looking for the couple. After ten minutes, it’s obvious that they’re no longer here. For all I know, they returned to the house and are getting it on. As I continue to scan the area, I notice a small patch of woods on the side of the mansion. There are a few couples sitting in the sand and making out.