“Save it!” he growls, his raised voice echoing off the stark white tile. “You’re nothing more than a fucking liar, and I was an idiot for lowering my guard and believing you were different.”
His harsh words slice through the very heart of me and send pain radiating throughout my body. It’s almost enough to have me doubling over.
Does he really believe I’m capable of playing that kind of game?
“You have to know that’s not true. I’m nothing like these people. And I hate Jasper. Probably more than you do.”
He snorts. “I didn’t think it was possible to despise anyone more than Jasper Morgan, but you know what?” Animosity flares in his eyes as his upper lip curls. “I was wrong.”
My heart stutters before pounding a painful staccato beneath my breast as he stalks inside the room. I scramble back a couple of steps, attempting to keep a safe distance between us. The farther he moves into the space, the more it shrinks around us, until the walls are pressing in on me.
His lips lift as his tone turns chiding. “What’s wrong, Delilah? Why are you running away? I thought you enjoyed playing games? Isn’t that what this has been? One giant mindfuck?”
I shake my head almost frantically. “Of course not. Please, Austin. You have to know that everything between us was real.”
A ferocious growl rumbles from deep within his chest and I wince as the sound ricochets off the walls. “Shut the hell up. I don’t want to hear any more lies from your mouth.”
The closer he gets, the more my body trembles. I have no idea what he’ll do when he gets his hands on me. The look simmering in his eyes is murderous.
“They’re not lies.”
His lips curl into a malicious smile. “Do us both a favor and drop the innocent act.”
Icy tendrils of fear wrap around my heart and squeeze until sucking air into my lungs becomes impossible. My hands fly out to hold him back. Although, I think we both realize that the feeble attempt won’t do much to keep him at bay.
I’ve never seen Austin like this.
Not even after the charity function.
When my spine hits the wall, I realize there’s nowhere left for me to run.
I’m trapped.
By the hard glint that lights up his eyes, he recognizes it as well and relishes the thought of having me at his mercy.
“What’s wrong, sweet girl? Your little game coming back to haunt you? Did you really think you could fuck me over for a second time and I’d just let it go?”
When I open my mouth to deny the accusation, his hand shoots out, the fingers wrapping around my throat as a squeak of shock escapes from me. The firm pressure doesn’t cut off my airflow. It’s just enough for me to understand who’s now in control.
And it’s not me.
“What are you going to do now?” he asks in a deceptively calm voice. “Hmmm? Run back to Jasper and cry?”
His grip tightens as he growls out my ex’s name.
“No,” I whimper.
“That would be the correct answer.” With a snarl, he cocks his head. “With all your scheming, you must have forgotten what I know. Maybe it’s time for everyone to find out that Pembroke is boning your mother.”
The headmaster’s earlier threats echo hollowly throughout my head. Mom’s concerns about needing to find another job if the board fires her chase after them.
“Please don’t.”
“Why shouldn’t I?” His face looms closer as he bares his teeth. “You made me look like a fool, and I plan to make you pay for it.”
“I swear it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.”
His grip intensifies until I’m gasping for air. “No more lies.” There’s a moment of silence before he says, “Know what I want most of all?”