My heart stutters as my lower jaw falls open.

Did…he really just say that?

By the way his lips curl around the edges, he did.

Even more than that, he’s loving this.

Loving my fall from grace after I forced his hand a few weeks ago.

He holds up the phone. “Just so we’re clear, if anyone finds out about this affair, I’ll kick your ass out of Hawthorne Prep so fast, your head will spin. After I’m done dragging your reputation through the mud, not even the public school will take you. Have I made myself perfectly clear?”


“Excellent.” His eyes harden as he bares his teeth. “Now get the hell out of my office before I change my mind and have you physically removed from the premises.”

With that, I leap from the chair and scurry from the suffocating space.


Unable to meet the secretary’s gaze, I fly through the outer office. I can’t bear to see the condemnation that is probably filling her eyes. The door slams shut behind me with a resounding thud as I stumble into the corridor and suck in a lungful of oxygen. The lemony fresh scent of polish fills the air as nausea roils at the bottom of my gut, threatening to escape.

With a quick glance down the long stretch of empty hallway, I race toward the nearest restroom. The soles of my shoes echo off the marble tile as I push into the small space.

It’s a relief to find it empty.

Once I reach the sink, my fingers grip the edges of the porcelain as I hang my head and squeeze my eyes tightly shut, focusing on my erratic breathing.

A long, slow breath in before steadily blowing it out.

Everything that’s happened since Friday night circles viciously through my head. Waking up in Duke’s bed. Discovering the photographs. A hole where my memories should be. Mom’s anger. And now this.

Not only do I have to find a way to get through the remainder of my senior year, but I have to survive this three-day trip as well.

The thought is enough to bring a sting of tears to my eyes.

Just as my heart rate settles and the nausea fades to more of a dull ache, the door to the bathroom bursts open. I crack my eyelids just enough to stare at the mirror before meeting icy green depths. A gasp escapes from me as I whirl around to face Austin.

Brilliant anger shimmers around him like a living, breathing entity. It’s overpowering in its intensity. My body trembles under the relentless force of his gaze.

“I texted you,” I whisper.

With a tilt of his head, he studies me. “What exactly do we have to talk about? You sucking Jasper’s cock?”

This is exactly what I was afraid of. That he would jump to conclusions without hearing my side of the story. I’m not sure if there’s anything I can say that will make the fury and distrust evaporate from his eyes.

But I have to try.

I can’t allow Jasper to destroy my relationship with Austin.

“Please, just give me a chance to explain.” When his expression doesn’t soften, I stumble over my words in a rush to get them out. “Everything from that night is a blur. There’s a lot I can’t remember.”

His lips lift into a mirthless smile. “I guess it’s a good thing Jasper took lots of photos.” His voice dips, dropping several octaves until it sounds as if it’s been scraped raw. “The two of you must have had a good laugh at my expense.”

With a shake of my head, I take a tentative step toward him. All I want in this moment is to feel the comforting strength of his arms wrapped around me, holding me tight and telling me that everything will be all right.

But he doesn’t move in my direction.

“I swear—”