My brain whirls, wondering why I’m being summoned. I’ve done my best to avoid our headmaster since I threatened to expose his affair with my mother. Whenever he catches sight of me in the hallway, his eyes narrow and he glares.
It’s enough to have me shrinking away.
The soles of my shoes echo against the polished marble tile that stretches throughout the hallways as I reach the office and push through the door. Mrs. Baxter glances at me from her desk. The slight smile that lifts the corners of her lips doesn’t quite reach her eyes as she holds my gaze for a moment or two before dropping it.
“Go right in, Delilah. Mr. Pembroke is waiting for you.”
The pit that has taken up residence at the bottom of my belly swells in size. Mrs. Baxter is usually so cheery and outgoing, always willing to engage in a little banter.
That’s not the case today.
Barely could she meet my eyes.
“Thank you.”
As tempting as it is to flee the space, I force my feet into movement. The sooner I talk with Pembroke, the quicker I can get out of here. Once I reach his closed office door, I glance over my shoulder at the older woman. There’s a pinch to her brows as her gaze remains focused on the computer screen. I release a steady breath before lifting my hand and rapping my knuckles against the thick wood.
“Come in,” the headmaster barks from the other side.
Another burst of nerves dances down the length of my spine as I turn the handle and push open the door, peeking my head inside the inner sanctum.
“Hi, Mr.—”
My voice falls away as I meet my mother’s eyes. She’s standing near Pembroke with her arms crossed tightly against her chest. Her eyes are red rimmed and puffy, as if she’s been crying.
When I remain frozen in place, he snaps, “Come inside and shut the door, Delilah.”
The tension radiating off Mom in heavy waves is enough to choke on. My teeth sink into my lower lip as I step over the threshold.
The silence is deafening as Pembroke extends an arm toward the lone chair parked in front of his massive antique desk. “Take a seat.”
My gaze darts from him to Mom, who dabs at the corners of her eyes with a tissue, before slicing back to him again, where it reluctantly settles. My fingers tangle in front of me, the curve of my nails sinking into my palms.
The headmaster steeples his fleshy hands on the shiny surface of his desk before leaning forward. Not once does his gaze deviate from mine. It would be impossible to miss the spiteful glint of pleasure that sparks in his pale blue eyes.
“It’s come to our attention that some rather unsavory photographs have been circulating throughout the student population.”
And just like that, I’m in freefall.
Oh, shit.
My wide gaze flies to Mom in time to see a fresh tear leak from the corner of her eye and roll slowly down her ashen cheek.
“How could you do this?”
I shake my head almost violently. “No, I—”
“Shut up! I don’t want to hear any more of your lies.”
My mouth drops open as I stare in shock.
“And you can forget about the camping trip this weekend! You’re grounded until further notice. It’ll be school and then straight back home. That’s it. That’s your life.” With each word, her voice escalates until it reverberates off the plaster walls.
I wince, knowing Mrs. Baxter, and anyone else loitering in the office, is privy to every shrill word. She probably knows all about the photographs. It’s the reason she could barely meet my gaze.
“I just can’t believe you would engage in this kind of deplorable behavior! And then, to make matters worse, you allow someone to take pictures, as if you’re proud of acting like a whore.” Disgust vibrates in every syllable as she shakes her head. “I don’t understand what’s going on with you! It’s like you’re a totally different girl. One I don’t know.” Another lone tear crawls down her cheek.
I open my mouth before snapping it shut. There’s no point in trying to defend myself. She refuses to believe anything I say.