No…Ineedhim in my life.

He’s silent for so long that I wonder if he’ll deny what I now crave most.


“Are you sure, Delilah? Because if you tell me that you’re mine, there’s no going back. You’ll belong to me. Forever and always. I won’t let you go.” His hands rise to cup the sides of my skull until it’s impossible to look away. “Not again.”

My lips curve into a smile.

In the blink of an eye, my world has shifted. My heart soars, feeling so much lighter than it has these previous weeks when we were separated, and that has everything to do with Austin. The boy I fell for the moment our gazes collided in the office on the first day of school. The one who stood a little too close, crowding my personal space and invading my thoughts.

It was hard to admit while I’d been dating someone else, but I’ve wanted him ever since then.

And now…

He’s mine.

And I’m his.

I wouldn’t have it any other way. The road we had to travel to get to this moment was necessary to grow and become the couple we now are.

“I won’t let you go either,” I tell him fiercely, meaning every word.

He smirks. “Is that a promise or a threat?”

A grin spreads across my face. “A little bit of both, I suppose.”

“You’re a girl after my own heart, Delilah Robinson.”

“As long as I’m the only one. That’s all that matters.”

“You are, sweet girl. Forever and always.”


“Better hurry up,” Mom calls from the kitchen. “Austin will be here any second, and you don’t want to keep him waiting.”

For a moment or two, those familiar words echo throughout my head. There used to be a time when it was a different boy she referred to. My belly would pinch, and nausea would take up residence inside the pit of my gut.

But it's not my ex picking me up this morning.

It’s Austin.

Instead of anxiety, excitement explodes in my belly.

The last thing I want to do is keep him waiting. I take one last look at my reflection to make sure everything is perfect. This is our first official date as a newly minted couple. It’s so tempting to jump up and down and scream, all the while doing a little happy dance.

Not in a million years did I think we would ever get to this place, but I’m so ecstatic we have. All the pain of the past has been worth it.

Unable to sleep, I bounced out of bed a couple hours ago and took a shower before blow drying my hair. I left it all long and wavy around my shoulders. Exactly the way Austin likes it. Then I added a bit of lip gloss and mascara to darken my lashes. I’ve never been one to wear a ton of makeup, but this gives my lips a pretty shine and makes my blue eyes pop with vibrant color.

Since the temperatures have continued to drop and it’s chilly, I’m wearing a pale pink sweater that is soft to the touch and a short denim skirt with thick tights. Tall black boots showcase my legs and give me just a bit of added height.

I release a steady breath and press my palm to my lower belly, hoping it will settle the pterodactyl-sized butterflies that have winged their way to life in my abdomen.

It doesn’t.

This is ridiculous.