“Yes.” As soon as the word breaks free, I know it’s the truth.

If it meant that he’d take a leap of faith and shut out Jasper and his lies one final time, not allowing him to destroy the fragile relationship we’ve discovered, then yes…I’d do it.

“On your hands and knees?” he presses.

The thickly murmured words swirl darkly through my head before settling deep within my core and throbbing an insistent beat.

His teeth scrape against my abraded flesh. “Answer me, sweet girl. Would you crawl on your hands and knees to prove your innocence?”

The response escapes from me when he nips at my throat. “Yes.”

“Does the thought of doing that turn you on as much as it does me?”

It shouldn’t. There’s a place deep within my brain that knows I should loathe what he’s saying. What he’s asking.

What does it mean that I don’t?

“All I would have to do is slip my hand beneath the waistband of your jeans, slide past your panties and discover the answer for myself.”

If he did, he’d find the cotton completely drenched.

One hand firmly grips my ponytail while the other slides from around my back, along my ribcage before drifting down my belly. My breath catches when his fingers hover over the silver button before dropping to the apex of my thighs and pressing against my center. My teeth sink into my lower lip to keep the moan trapped inside where it belongs.

His pupils dilate, swallowing up the green and gold flecks that swim in his eyes as he rubs me through the thick denim. Even though two layers separate his fingers from my pussy, arousal explodes, and my body tightens with need. As much as I want to remain still, I can’t stop writhing, seeking out more pressure so that he can push me over the edge and into oblivion.

Just when orgasm feels imminent, his hand falls away and he releases his hold on my hair before retreating a step. Now that he’s no longer propping me up, my knees buckle, and I sink to the sand. It takes effort to blink away the thick haze cocooned around me.

Seconds tick by. When I finally lift my head and crane my neck, my gaze fastens onto the tented material of his athletic shorts that is just inches away from my face. I can’t help but stare at the thickness of his erection. When I finally rip my attention away and meet his eyes, the heat filling his stare nearly sets me to flames.

For a long, silent moment, our eyes stay locked before he drops down so that we’re eye level. He reaches out and strokes the curve of my cheek with gentle fingers. His deep voice is barely audible and slides over my skin like a whisper.

“Just remember what you promised, sweet girl. Don’t be surprised when I hold you to it.”

Before I can respond, he pops up and takes off running down the beach. I can only sit and stare, my heart thundering painfully beneath my breast, as a kernel of apprehension fills me.


Kingsley extends a hand as I step onto the deck of his boat. Much like his beach house, it’s massive. I can’t help but stare at the luxurious surroundings in awe. I’ve never been on a vessel of any kind and couldn’t begin to dream of one this size.

About a dozen classmates laugh and chatter as they make themselves at home on the plush leather seating arrangements that wrap around the front of the boat and near the controls. Someone brought a cooler filled with alcohol and is already cracking open bottles.

The muscles in my belly contract when Sloane steps onboard with a squeal and hugs Aubrey before squeezing in next to Austin. My brows pinch as I glance at the dock with unease, hoping Jasper won’t show up.

Austin’s gaze stays pinned to me as I glance around, looking for a place to settle. I don’t have to meet his eyes to know his attention is locked on me. I feel it. My skin comes alive whenever his gaze rakes over my body. Never in my life have I been so finely attuned to another human being as I am with Austin Hawthorne. It’s enough to set my nerves on edge, making it impossible to focus on anything other than him. My world narrows until he’s all that fills it.

Duke catches my eyes and pats the empty space on the couch. Thankful for his kindness, I gravitate toward him before gingerly settling on the curved cushion. Kingsley starts the engine and tosses off the lines from the pier before hopping back onto the deck and settling at the controls. It’s obvious from the easy way he maneuvers the boat that he’s done this many times before. Within five minutes, we’re pulling out of the marina and heading for open water. It doesn’t take long for the waves to turn a deeper and darker blue.

As we pick up speed, the breeze whips across my face and through my hair. The babble of voices that surround me get drowned out by the motor as the boat slaps against the water. Even though the sun is shining brightly, the wind cuts through my sweatshirt. I draw my knees to my chest and hug them tight, wishing I’d brought a jacket or blanket to wrap. The scenery is beautiful, but it’s freezing.

Duke leans toward me before asking, “Are you cold?”

With a slight smile, I nod. “Just a little.”

He wraps a brawny arm around my shoulders and tugs me close. The only thing that stops me from burrowing against his comforting warmth is the knowledge that Austin is watching with narrowed eyes. That’s the moment I realize my mistake. When Duke asked if I was cold, I should have lied and said I was fine.

When I attempt to put a bit of distance between us so I’m not pinned against his side, Duke tugs me even closer before dropping a kiss against the top of my head.

I squeeze my eyelids tight, afraid to glance in Austin’s direction. Thick tension ratchets up in the air until it becomes unbearable. Unable to stop myself, I flick a look at Austin. There’s a steeliness filling his eyes and I’m reminded of the way he stared down at me on the beach this morning when I sunk to my knees. A shiver slides through me that has nothing to do with the wind.