“You look gorgeous,” he says.

“Thanks. You’re looking pretty handsome yourself.”

When a slow smile spreads across his face, my belly hollows out and my knees weaken. Any moment, I’m going to dissolve into a puddle. It takes effort to rip my attention away from Austin to meet my mother’s gaze.

Another smile blooms across her face. “You two enjoy yourselves.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Robinson. Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?”

Her eyes soften as she shakes her head. “Nope, this date is just for the two of you. I’ve got plenty to keep me busy around here.”

“Okay. If you’re sure.”

With a nod, she waves us toward the door. “I am.”

We step outside and I glance up at the cornflower blue sky. Even though it’s sunny, there’s a definite snap to the chilled air. As soon as we reach the cement walkway that cuts through the small patch of front lawn, Austin stops and tugs me into the warm circle of his arms. It’s my favorite place to be.

“You really do look gorgeous,” he whispers against my lips before swooping in for a kiss.

Once we come up for air, I say breathlessly, “Thank you.”

My heart flutters madly in my chest.

Even though it’s only nine o’clock in the morning and I spent the night curled up against him, arousal sparks to life in his eyes before he delves in for a second time. As soon as his tongue sweeps across my lips, I open, losing myself in the caress. After a handful of minutes, he reluctantly draws away. The hungry expression makes me wish it were possible to drag Austin inside the house and have my wicked way with him.

“I guess we should get moving,” he says.

I’m still in a daze as he tows me to his shiny black G-wagon before opening the door and assisting me inside.

Once my head clears, the question trips off my tongue. “You told Mom where we’re going?”

The heat snapping in his eyes fades and his lips lift into a knowing smile as a chuckle slips free. “I wanted to make sure everything was perfectly planned.”

I thrust my lower lip out in a pout. “And you’re not going to tell me?”

His gaze drops to my mouth as a growl rumbles up from deep in his chest. Before I can pepper him with more questions, he presses another searing kiss against my lips before stretching the seatbelt across my chest and fastening it in place.

“You’ll just have to be a good girl and wait.”

He gives my nipple a little tweak. A potent concoction of pleasure-infused pain explodes inside me. When I gasp, he steps away with a sly smile and closes the door before jogging around the front of the SUV and sliding onto the seat beside me. A few seconds later, the engine roars to life and we pull away from the curb. As we drive down the tree-lined street, his fingers slip around mine, giving them a gentle squeeze.

I settle against the plush leather and realize that I couldn’t be happier or more content than I am in this moment. After all the hurt that had been inflicted, I didn’t think it was possible for us to find our way back to one another.

Somehow, that’s exactly what we’ve managed to do.

Love won out.

As we reach the main road, I expect him to turn toward town. Even though I haven’t the faintest clue where we’re going, everything is located to the north of where I live. Instead, he swings in the opposite direction, leaving Hawthorne behind in the rearview mirror.

My brows draw together as I peer at him, waiting for an explanation. When he remains silent, a smile trembling around his lips as if he can hear the thoughts running rampant through my head, I realize he isn’t going to shed any light on the situation.

With that one turn, all of my suspicions have been blown to smithereens. The theater, restaurants, school, and library are all to the north. I genuinely have no clue where we’re going. Instead of bombarding him with questions and trying to drag the information out of him, I settle against the plush seat and enjoy the ride.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what we do.

Or where we go.

As long as it’s together.