As soon as he left the room Isla leaned back, closing her eyes and suppressing a shudder of reaction. Being close to him again made her feel too much. She’d like to pretend it was simply surprise and anger but it was far more. The tell-tale pulse between her legs told its own story, as if her eager body still hadn’t got the message that he was trouble.

Her mouth wobbled and she bit hard on her bottom lip, grappling with unresolved feelings she’d tried so hard to conquer.

When she opened her eyes, he was in the doorway but she pretended not to notice. Instead she sipped her tea, clasping the mug in her palms as if its heat could counteract the chill crackling her bones.

The door snicked shut and he strolled closer. With every step the air thickened, making it harder to breathe. She took another sip and wished she’d started with the brownie. Her stomach felt hollow but it was roiling so much she didn’t want to test it by eating in front of him.

‘When you’ve had that I’ll take you to a doctor.’


Her head snapped up and she saw him, stance wide, cashmere coat thrust aside and hands shoved in his pockets, drawing the fabric of his trousers taut over powerful thighs.

‘A doctor. You’re as white as milk and you’ve lost weight.’ He frowned, his gaze skimming her collarbone. ‘You look gaunt.’

Isla clutched her tea close, her heart hammering so fast it couldn’t be good for her. She wasn’t ready for this. Had never expected to see him again, much less have him deign to talk with her.

‘Thanks for your opinion. But I don’t need a doctor. I’m perfectly healthy.’

His eyebrows rose. ‘Fainting for no reason isn’t a sign of good health.’

Deliberately she shrugged. ‘I imagine no one reacts well, coming face to face with the single worst mistake of their life.’

He stiffened, streaks of colour slashing those high cheekbones. But instead of retreating he moved closer.

‘That doesn’t explain the weight loss or the faint.’

Isla flattened her lips. She could tell him. Sheshouldtell him.

But her one attempt to contact him since returning to England had produced a threat of legal action. That rankled. Yet here he was on her turf, swaggering in as if he had a right to be here, demanding explanations.

Isla felt like she was on a seesaw, swinging wildly as the world tilted and turned upside down. ‘Why are you here? Why the sudden concern?’

It couldn’t be real.

Something flickered in those eyes and for a second she felt tremulous hope flare. The hope she thought she’d stamped out through the tough months since they’d parted.

‘Simon is worried about you.’ His words ground low as if dragged from his throat. ‘He was stunned you’d rejected his offer of work next season and that you’d dropped out of university.’

Now Isla understood.

Simon was the Greek archaeologist who’d led the dig she’d worked on several months ago. The team, including students from her English university, had explored the remains of an ancient temple complex on a small Aegean island.

Once she’d have leapt at the chance to work there again, delighted that Simon wanted her back. She loved the work and hands-on archaeology was what she dreamed of doing.

But that career was over. Or at least on hold indefinitely.

‘He couldn’t believe it. He said you were one of the most promising students he’s seen.’ Once the praise would have delighted her. Now it reinforced all she’d lost. ‘A colleague at your university told him you’d left suddenly with no explanation. They were worried you might be seriously ill.’ Narrowed eyes surveyed her. ‘I can see why.’

When Isla said nothing he went on. ‘Simon knew I was coming to the UK on business and asked—’

‘Asked you to check on me?’ Isla’s laugh sounded like a winter wind rushing through an empty corridor. Not surprising as inside she felt hollow and chilled.

Of courseTheohadn’t been worried. He was acting for his friend. This was second-hand concern.

A sour tang filled Isla’s mouth and she put down her barely touched tea. The irony. The man who’d threatened dire consequences should she approach him, checking her wellbeing.

Simon had introduced them one night when the team ate at a small taverna near the dig site. But she’d had no idea the pair were so close he’d ask Theo such a favour.