They had a perfect view over the silvery olive trees to the blue Aegean Sea where some of tonight’s guests had moored sleek yachts.

Theo turned to survey the crowd around the spit roast on the vast terrace. There were archaeologists celebrating the last day of that season’s dig. Locals from the village beyond the headland. Friends from Athens and beyond, including Isla’s friend Rebecca from the UK. High-heeled sandals and designer dresses mingled with jeans and T-shirts and everywhere there were smiles.

Two women emerged from the crowd. Toula in lemon yellow and Isla, mouth-wateringly lovely in a halter neck dress of flame red. His pulse quickened at the sight. Two little girls, one five and one three, rushed forward.

‘Daddy, Daddy!’ They ran over and grabbed at his legs. ‘Yiaya says you have to come.’

‘You’re needed to supervise the grill,’ Toula added.

‘In a moment. First I have to talk with my wife. Maybe you and Simon can keep an eye on it for now.’

Toula raised an eyebrow at his obvious tactic. She and Simon had been going out for eighteen months, through the end of her community service. The court had ruled she’d acted in self-defence and she hadn’t been imprisoned. Since then she’d undergone more counselling and almost completed her university degree. She’d also visited Spiro Stavroulis to apologise for Costa’s death. To Theo’s amazement, she’d forged an unexpected if careful relationship with the old man, who’d been shocked at the revelations about his grandson.

Theo was proud of his stepsister.

‘Come on, kids. Come and help Auntie Toula and Simon.’ His stepsister shot him a knowing look and herded them away.

Instantly Isla moved closer, stroking the head of their sleeping baby and planting a soft kiss on Theo’s mouth.

He sighed. ‘That’s better.’ He shifted his hold on Niko so he had an arm free to wrap around Isla.

‘Was something wrong?’ Misty blue eyes met his.

‘Absolutely not. I was thinking how good life is.’

She grinned and leaned close. ‘You’ve been very understanding about me spending so much time on the dig.’

Theo shook his head. ‘You understand when I have to work. Besides, it’s your passion.’

She kissed him again, this time adding a tiny nip of teeth. ‘Not my only passion,agapi mou.’

My love. Were there any better words in the world?

‘How long before we can sneak away?’ he whispered.

Isla’s laugh was like sunshine glittering on the sea. ‘Too long. But it will be worth the wait.’

Theo held her close, her and their baby, while his gaze roved over his family and friends. Could life get any better?

He kissed Isla full on the mouth, bending her over his arm, enjoying her surprised gasp, and her rising passion.

It was a fact, he decided. He was the luckiest man in the world.