Theo sat beside her but instead of stretching his legs out, he sat sideways, elbows resting on his knees, facing her. ‘It’s about my family. Toula and my mother have been away from Athens but my mother just contacted me. She’s returning to Athens soon.’

‘So I’ll get to meet her?’ Isla tried to read his expression but failed, as if he deliberately held his feelings in. Did he worry they wouldn’t like each other?

She felt that old pang of uncertainty, as if she didn’t measure up. It had plagued her through childhood as the girl no one wanted, the girl unworthy of love. Did Theo believe his family would meet her and recognise she was fundamentally lacking?

Isla slammed shut those thoughts. She’d moved beyond such thinking, hadn’t she? She had as much right to respect and affection as anyone. It was just the stress of the current situation, throwing up old weaknesses.

‘Absolutely. She’s already heard about you and is eager to meet you. That’s why she’s returning.’ Theo frowned at his clasped hands.

‘You don’t want that?’ Isla tried not to feel defensive.

Theo shrugged. ‘I don’t want you feeling pressured. I haven’t told her about the baby and I know it’s important to you to have time to think things through.’

Relief welled. He was concerned forhersake, not because he thought she wasn’t good enough for his family.

‘I’d like to meet her.’ Maybe meeting his family would help Isla with her decision. ‘She and Toula have been on holiday together?’

He lifted his head. ‘No. My mother’s in Corfu with a friend on a short break. It’s the first time she’s left Athens in months. It took a toll on her, Costa’s death, my arrest and all the appalling stories. But she visited me in prison then did what she could to help since my release.’

Isla’s heart went out to the woman ‘It must have been a trying time for all of you. At least she had Toula with her through the worst of it.’

Theo’s mouth twisted. ‘Not quite.’ Again he paused and it struck her that this assured man was, for the first time to her knowledge, unsure how to proceed.

‘It’s funny. If you’d been one of those women pursuing me for my money you’d have done your homework and already know at least a version of this from the press.’ He saw her stiffen and raised his hand. ‘Not that I’m complaining. It’s just...difficult, something we don’t talk about outside the family.’

Isla jerked back. What was he talking about? She’d known from the news reports that Theo had a sister and widowed mother but her focus had been entirely on his arrest and subsequent release. Maybe the UK press didn’t have as much detail about the case either.

‘But youarefamily. Even though you haven’t agreed to marry me.’

She felt his gaze like a palpable weight, yet this time it didn’t feel like a burden, rather like a warm enfolding blanket. Had her feelings altered so much?

‘We’re linked and always will be, Isla. Whatever happens in our relationship, I want you to know my mother and Toula. They’re important to me just as you and our child are.’

She searched for a response but found herself choked up at how he included her with his family. Did he have any idea how appealing that was?

‘Sorry, I’m so used to protecting them that this is hard to discuss.’ He shook his head. ‘Toula wasn’t vacationing. She had a severe breakdown and has been in a medical facility since the night of the party when Costa Stavroulis died.’

‘Oh, Theo!’ Isla rose and sat beside him, reaching for his hand. Despite the heat he always generated, his flesh was chilled.

She grabbed the huge towel he’d discarded and wrapped it around his shoulders. ‘Let’s go inside where it’s warm and you can tell me there.’

His mouth curled up in one corner and her predictable heart skipped a beat at that tiny, enticing smile. ‘Even my mother doesn’t fuss any more about me catching cold.’

Isla hated seeing him so strained. It wasn’t the chill air that affected him but worry for his stepsister. ‘See, more proof that I wouldn’t make a suitable wife.’

‘On the contrary. I like it.’

Safer to ignore that, and the stir of excitement his words evoked. ‘You must have been frantic, locked up and not able to go to Toula.’

Theo nodded. ‘Prison was already a nightmare but that almost undid me. Not being able to support the people important to me.’ His fingers closed around hers, gently squeezing, and Isla could almost believe he included her in that group. His next words made her wonder even more. ‘I had to stay close to home when I was released, because Toula needed me.’

Yet he’d trekked to London for a business meeting. That didn’t quite ring true but before she could ponder it he spoke again.

‘All being well, Toula will come back in a month or so and I wanted to prepare you for meeting her, so you understand that she’s fragile.’

‘She may prefer not to meet me.’

‘She’s going to be an aunt. Of course she’ll want to meet you! She’ll be thrilled that we have something positive to celebrate.’ He paused then plunged on. ‘My stepsister suffers from depression. She had a difficult childhood and very little stability. My father didn’t even know she existed until her mother died, six years ago, not long before his own death.’