She’d fantasised about living there with him, not just during his holiday from work in Athens. That was before she’d found out who Theo Karalis really was.

‘Tea’s ready.’

Isla turned to find him just behind her, hair rumpled from where he’d towelled it, his jaw shadowed. He didn’t look like the wealthy stranger who used limousines and wore coats worth more than she earned in several months.

He looked like Theo, her Theo, eyes glowing golden and beckoning...

She snagged a sharp breath and plonked a mug on the table. It was so small that if they both sat their knees would touch and she’d be caught in his force field.

Isla took the ancient armchair. For a moment he stood as if debating something, then snagged the mug, crossed the room in three long paces and sat facing her.

‘What is it, Isla? What’s happened to you?’

She bit her lip, shocked at how sincere he sounded. Then, seeing his stare drop to her mouth, she lifted the mug and sipped her peppermint tea, pretending to savour its warmth. But inside she was all jitters.

Tell him. Tell him! It’s what you tried to do after all.

Yet she hesitated. She couldn’t ignore the way he’d treated her. ‘You’ve changed your tune. In Athens you didn’t want to have anything to do with me.’

Sombre eyes held hers. ‘I’m sorry if I hurt you, Isla.’

Ifhe’d hurt her! She blinked. Had she known him at all? It seemed not.

‘It was for the best, but I realise it may not have felt like it.’

Too right it hadn’t felt like it. True, there’d been no promises spoken between them but Isla could have sworn there’d been other sorts of promises made. Trust given and received.

Even if she’d got that wrong and the affection had been all on her side, he’d dumped her so brutally it hadn’t just hurt. It had destroyed something she didn’t think she could get back. The belief that she reallycouldmatter to someone. She’d grown up unloved and despite her positive self-talk, that belief had taken a lifetime, and Theo’s concentrated attentions, to grow inside her.

Her chin notched up. ‘I deserved better.’

Something flared in those leonine eyes. Then it was gone, his face unreadable. ‘Yes, you did. I’m sorry.’

Isla sighed. Why rake over the past? He’d implied he’d acted for her sake but the plain truth was she hadn’t mattered to him as he had to her. She didn’t need to know more. She was simply delaying. Because she shied from telling this man the truth. If it had been the Theo she’d known on the island she wouldn’t have hesitated. But this was a cold-eyed stranger, rich, powerful and moving in a social stratosphere that excluded ordinary people like her.

‘I’m not sick.’

His dark eyebrows rose but he said nothing, as if the sheer power of his personality would force her to continue.

‘And I haven’t chucked in my studies. Just withdrawn for now.’

Isla’s gaze dropped. Strictly that was true but there was no way she’d be able to return to university later. Even if she had time she wouldn’t be able to afford it. Her mouth widened in a crooked smile. Maybe in a few decades.

‘Why give up something you love? Something you’re good at? Simon says you have a very promising career. It doesn’t make sense.’

He paused and eventually Isla couldn’t resist looking up at him. Heat trickled down her spine, vertebra by vertebra as she met his stare. How could she be so vulnerable to him after the cruel way he’d treated her?

He leaned forward, narrowing the space between them. ‘You say you’re not ill but you’re clearly not well.’

Isla sighed, expelling the air in her lungs then dragging in a fortifying breath.

‘I’m healthy. I’m just not able to eat a lot.’ Another breath, another beat of her thundering heart. ‘I’m pregnant.’


THEOCOULDN’TTAKEthe words in. He watched her watching him, waiting for his reaction, but his brain had seized up.

Isla, pregnant?