Theo came in then, saying the first course was ready.

The rest of the day the three of them were together, talking, laughing and eating. There were no more confidences but by the time they left Theo’s mother had already arranged a date for her and Isla to meet for lunch and visit her favourite knitting shop. And when they parted the older woman’s hug was even warmer than before.

It was early days but Isla couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to be a permanent part of this small, deeply caring family. If she married Theo she and their child wouldbelong. It was a heady thought.

Theo’s chest was aflame. Each breath felt like burning coals dragged over raw flesh. But the physical pain didn’t matter. It was the horror of being here, in this tiny dark place, so small he couldn’t even stand. The walls and ceiling were shrinking around him and soon he’d hear his bones crack as he was pulverised into dust.

He shoved the metal door with all his strength, despite knowing it was useless. He’d keep trying until his final breath. He had to get out of here because—he felt the hair rise on his nape—Isla was in the cell next to him. She didn’t cry out, she was too stoic for that, but heknewshe was there. He sensed it in every aching atom of his body. In the terrible thud of his heart against his ribs.

A scream rent the air, high-pitched with fear. Toula.

Theo scrabbled at the door, fingers bleeding. He hammered his shoulder against it. He couldn’t let harm come to them. Not Isla. Not—

‘Theo!’ Isla’s voice came, cool running water against his burning body. He gasped, pain searing his chest. ‘Open your eyes, Theo.’

Slender fingers shaped his face but he couldn’t be distracted. He needed to save—

‘Please, Theo.’

Something soft brushed his face and the scent of rosemary filled his nostrils. Rosemary and sweet woman.

He snapped his eyes open. ‘Isla!’

‘It’s all right, Theo. You’re safe.’

‘You’re here.’ In the darkness he reached for her, gathering her to his pounding chest, wrapping his arms, his whole body around her, rocking her close. ‘You’re safe.’

‘Of course I’m safe. We both are. You had a nightmare.’

Theo exhaled, his body shuddering with relief. A nightmare. He had them occasionally but usually he managed not to wake Isla.

He swallowed, his throat scratchy. Had he been calling out? What else had he done? ‘Did I hurt you?’

‘No, I’m fine. I was just worried about you.’

But Theo ran shaking fingers over her, needing to check, discovering silky skin and fragrant curves. The swell where she carried their child. His heart somersaulted. Safe. Isla and the baby were safe.

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.’

‘You didn’t scare me. But you were so distressed I was concerned.’

She moved as if to reach the bedside lamp but he stopped her, capturing her hand and bringing it to his lips. ‘It was just a dream.’

Though his body felt racked with pain from the tension and his belly roiled with remembered fear for Isla and his stepsister.

‘They’re getting worse, aren’t they?’

He stiffened. Sheknewabout his dreams? He’d thought he’d concealed them.

When she spoke her voice was soft with a mixture of tenderness and amusement. ‘We’ve shared this bed for almost two months, Theo. It’s a very big bed but we always seem to end up in each other’s arms. You’ve been having occasional bad dreams ever since I got here.’

‘You never said anything.’

‘Nor did you. I thought that, if you wanted to share what’s bothering you, you would.’

Theo froze in the act of sliding his fingers through her soft hair. ‘There’s nothing bothering me.’

Sourness filled his mouth. He hated lying to Isla. But this wasn’t his secret to share, no matter that he wanted to. Besides, he only had suspicions that it had been Toula at the top of the stairs that night. Little Toula facing her aggressive ex. She couldn’t recall that night at all.