Theo’s embrace was gentle as he held her to him. ‘You’re telling me to be patient.’
Isla felt his broad chest rise and fall against her on a deep breath. What argument would he use next?
Finally he nodded. ‘This courtship is going to be excellent for my character.’ He bent his head and she caught a twinkle in his eyes. ‘But we can enjoy ourselves while I’m being patient, can’t we?’
He nuzzled the sensitive skin below her ear then grazed his teeth there, making her shiver.
His hand went to the top button of her shirt as his mouth closed over hers and Isla found herself forgetting what it was that had so worried her. When Theo seduced her she felt...cherished. Could it be that she was fretting over phantoms and this would work out after all?
AUTOMATICGATESSLIDopen and Theo drove in through a surprisingly lush garden and up to a beautiful two-storey home with shutters framing long windows and soft terracotta tiles on the roof. In the turning circle before the door a delicate fountain tinkled soothingly as he switched off the engine.
Isla slid damp hands down her trousers, taking in the elegant charm of the property. Nerves danced down her spine.
‘You’ll be fine.’ Theo squeezed her hand then kissed it. ‘She’s not scary, just excited. I’ve never brought a woman home to meet the family before.’
‘You’ve never...!’
His eyes crinkled as he got out of the car and she knew he’d waited to drop that bombshell, knowing it would distract her. Then suddenly they weren’t alone. A handsome woman in red hurried towards the car. ‘Theo, Isla, you’re here at last.’
‘Mamma.’ Theo bent down to envelop her in a bear hug. Then he turned and reached for Isla’s hand. ‘I’d like you to meet—’
‘Isla. I’m so pleased to see you.’ The older woman’s voice and brown eyes were warm as she shook Isla’s hand. ‘It’s so kind of you to visit.’
From what Theo had told her Isla had expected a strong-minded woman, kind but a little daunting. She was surprised to feel the other woman’s hand tremble as if she too were nervous.
‘It’s lovely of you to invite me. I don’t know anyone in Athens yet, other than Theo.’
Mrs Karalis shook her head. ‘We’ll remedy that.’ Then she leaned in and embraced her warmly. ‘Now, that’s a better welcome.’ Her eyes sparkled and her smile was vivacious as she linked Isla’s hand through her arm. ‘Come inside, we have so much to talk about.’
And they did. Isla hadn’t thought herself particularly loquacious, but that afternoon was full of laughter and conversation. Instead of the interrogation she’d expected they chatted nonstop and easily. Isla felt like she’d been accepted into a circle of warmth and belonging.
At one point Mrs Karalis sent Theo to check the charcoal burner outside while she led Isla into the kitchen.
‘Men love to play at being chefs. Give them a fire and something to cook on a skewer and they’re happy.’ She lifted the lid on a simmering dish and Isla’s nose twitched.
‘That smells wonderful.’
‘It’s my beefstifado.’ She paused then shrugged. ‘In the old days we couldn’t afford meat often. This was a high treat. It’s one of Theo’s favourites so I hope you like it.’
‘If it tastes like it smells, I’m sure I will.’
‘He’s...well? He doesn’t tell me much, because he doesn’t like to worry me, but these last months have been difficult for him.’
Isla met serious brown eyes and saw a depth of affection and worry that made her heart twist.
‘He’s well.’ She stifled the memory of two nights when Theo had tossed and turned, rubbing the scar on his temple and muttering beneath his breath, obviously having a bad dream. Once he’d even shouted out, until she’d whispered soothing words and he’d subsided back into quiet sleep. She barely knew his mother but didn’t want to worry her. She and her family had already been through so much. ‘He’s busy with the company though and concerned about you and his sister.’
‘He told you about Toula?’ The other woman’s head came up.
‘A little. That she hadn’t been well and was recuperating.’
Mrs Karalis nodded. ‘She’s had some difficulties and taking up with Costas Stavroulis was disastrous for her. But I believe she’s turned a corner. With luck...’