She’d take tonight and not look back.


THEOLOOKEDATthe woman before him and told himself to go slow. She was still recuperating. Until a few weeks ago she’d been ill every day. She was pregnant, carrying his child in that slim body.

The idea sent a judder of excitement through him, mixed with incredible tenderness and nerves at the idea of doing the wrong thing. Of perhaps hurting her or their baby.

Yet he’d never wanted a woman more than he wanted Isla Jacobs.

She stood there, proud as a goddess, head up, shoulders back, breasts thrust forward against the rich russet of her dress. Theo’s hands prickled with the need to reach out and touch her. To skim his palms over those delicate curves. To shape her breasts. To tug her hair free so it spilled around her shoulders like liquid silk. He remembered the scent of it, like rosemary, honey and sunshine. Like endless summer days when everything was right in the world.

He wanted her so much he had to take a moment to gather himself, not simply grab.

Unbidden, memory rose of the moment when they’d reached his car tonight and a paparazzo had appeared. Theo had got them away quickly and maybe Isla hadn’t noticed. But it was a reminder that he’d brought her into his world now and he had to do everything to protect her.

Guilt froze the air in his lungs. Foolish of him to take her out without a security detail, but he’d worked on the basis that, just once, they could slip under the radar without staff around.

There’d be no turning back the tide of curiosity now about her, aboutthem. Isla didn’t know it yet but it was another reason for her to accept his proposal. As her husband Theo could protect her better against the inevitable tsunami of press intrusion.

Tonight had proved how important that was. When the photographer had appeared, snapping photos of her, Theo had had to fight down the impulse to march over and rip the camera away. It was something he’d never done despite plenty of provocation.

He could handle anything that was thrown at him, but a possible threat to Isla was a whole new ballgame.

Theo breathed deep, forcing air into cramped lungs.

No time now for worrying about the press. Already his thoughts scattered as he took in the heavy rise and fall of her breasts and the flush of excitement in her sweet face.

He walked towards her, stiff from the way every muscle in his body pulled tight. Plus there was the erection he’d battled all through the journey home.

Her stunning eyes, the colour of early-morning mist over the sea, held his and he recognised the gift she offered. Gone were the recriminations and doubts. She met his stare appraisingly, as an equal.

Need scythed through him, a white-hot blade, taking him right up to her two long strides. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘About what?’

He was already bending, one arm around her back and the other behind her knees, sweeping her up into his embrace. ‘This. You bring out the caveman in me.’

Theo had intended to take her hand and lead her to the bedroom like an urbane, civilised lover but some primitive part of his brain urged him to take control in this most fundamental way. Gather her to him, as if he feared she might disappear like a mirage. As she had all those nights when she’d featured in his dreams, only to vanish, leaving him bereft.

His heart knocked his ribs as he held her close, her face upturned to his.

‘Don’t apologise. I like it.’ Her voice, husky with need, stroked through him, sending his senses into overdrive. She reached up to thread her fingers through his hair then clasp the back of his neck as if she needed to stake her claim.

Adrenaline shot through his bloodstream at the idea and he found himself grinning.

Her soft body nestled against him as he strode to his bedroom. With each step his heartbeat revved faster.

Soon. Soon. Soon.

There was no need to pause and switch on a light. The curtains hadn’t been drawn and silvery moonlight spilled across the bed from the huge windows that gave a spectacular view of the city.

Theo stopped beside the king-sized bed and made himself put her down. Of course it wasn’t that simple. He was reluctant to release her so he did it slowly, turning the inch-by-inch slide of her body into slow-motion torture and bliss.

A gasp sounded loud in the silence. His or hers, he didn’t know. He felt them both stop breathing at that exquisite friction.

Finally she stood between his feet, the bed behind her, but Theo kept his hands on her hips. Not because she was unsteady but because he couldn’t seem to release her.

Mine, mine, mine, the greedy voice inside his head chanted. His blood throbbed to the beat of it. His snatched breaths matched it too.