It didn’t matter how noble his intentions had been, he’d lost her trust. That’s what he had to build again. He needed to find out if she was just set against marrying him or against marriage in general.
The waiter cleared their starter plates, followed by another waiter bringing the main courses. Not that Theo was hungry, no matter how delicious the food. But the interruption gave him time to regroup.
After the staff had gone he took a bite of his meal, after seeing Isla start hers. Even then he waited. She’d barely touched her first course and he needed to be sure it was because of their conversation, not sickness. To his relief she ate slowly, but steadily.
Maybe because it’s easier than arguing with you.
But Theo couldn’t feel guilty about putting his case. It was for her benefit as much as the baby’s. She’d see that once she had time to consider.
Meanwhile he needed to tread carefully. If she discovered the lengths he’d gone to in order to get his way on this, she’d dig her heels in even more. Not that he’d done anything wrong. Seeing a specialist had been a priority. As was ensuring she felt free to leave her home and her job.
Isla was loyal. The way she’d stuck by him when he’d been arrested proved that.
His out-of-hours conversation with Isla’s employer had been carefully considered. He’d been frank about his concerns for Isla and his desire to look after her and the child. His worry that work and illness was affecting her health. Fortunately her employer shared his concerns, so when he spoke about taking Isla to Greece for a rest, Rebecca had been supportive, while reiterating that it was Isla’s decision.
But Theo knew Isla wouldn’t leave if she felt she was letting Rebecca down. So he’d had his staff busy finding be perfect replacement for her at the store and the woman was having a trial this afternoon.
Is that why Isla had looked bereft after talking with Rebecca? For a moment Theo felt guilty. But he wasn’t forcing her hand, just ensuring there’d be no impediments when she agreed to his plan.
‘You’re not eating,’ she said. ‘Don’t you like the food?’
Her concern surprised him. Did she care about him more than she admitted?
For the past twenty-four hours he’d seen a new Isla. That temper was new and though she’d been stubborn about visiting the prison, they’d never been at loggerheads before. Yet he saw both traits as signs of strength. They would have helped her through the last months. And, given her expression when her childhood was mentioned, possibly earlier.
‘I’ve got a lot of my mind,’ he murmured.
Her throaty chuckle surprised him. Heat trickled through his veins, pooling in his belly and reminding him of how this woman had once sated his mind and his body.
‘Welcome to my world.’
Theo’s mouth tugged into an answering smile. ‘At least you’ve had time to get used to it. It still feels a bit unreal.’
It wasn’t what he planned to say. Yet maybe it was the right thing to admit for Isla nodded, looking more relaxed than she had since they’d arrived.
She looked rueful, not upset. ‘Tell me about it. It’s a lot to take in.’
‘Did you always want to have children?’
‘One day in the future.’ Her expression softened. ‘I always thought it would be rather nice to have someone...’
Infuriatingly she didn’t finish her sentence and he knew better than to badger her for an answer.
Someone what? Some partner to father her baby? Or was she talking about a child? Had she longed to be a mother? Had the people who’d raised her inspired her to want children?
Theo felt a wave of tenderness that had nothing to do with her pregnancy.
‘I’m not suggesting we rush into marriage.’ Though that would suit him. He watched her head jerk up, her gaze meshing with his. ‘Take your time. Consider the implications.’ When she did she’d see he was right.
Slowly she nodded yet she didn’t look as comfortable as she had a few moments before.
But Theo had a plan to convince her. And it didn’t include Isla working herself to the bone in London while he was in Athens. At any other time he’d stay in England to persuade her but he was needed at home, and it was an obligation he couldn’t ignore. His family needed him now more than ever.
He leaned across and smiled encouragingly. He wasn’t vain but he knew the effect that smile had on women, including Isla.
‘What you need is to rest like the doctor said and get your strength back. A break from work. Why not come to Greece with me?’
Her misty blue eyes widened and he hurried on before she could reject the idea out of hand. ‘We can discuss my proposal in detail and in the meantime the holiday will do you good.’ He paused, making himself take his time so she didn’t feel rushed or forced. Deliberately he widened his smile. ‘What do you say, Isla? Can I tempt you?’