Page 85 of Theirs to Crave

There was something going on there. Shane got kind of squirrely when he talked about her. Either he was hiding that they didn’t actually get along, or he had a crush on her. If she was anything like her brother, I was guessing the latter.

Mariano...was being weird. Which was actually reassuring. He never could get out of his own way, emotionally speaking. He was actively avoiding Therry—to the point that when Therry went to sit by him, he got up and moved to the other side of our group, leaving xem looking lost and bewildered.

He’d sort himself out eventually. If it went on too long, I’d smack him around until he told me what was bothering him, and remind him not to be an idiot. It usually worked.

If only my own shit was ever that easy to manage.

Now, all we had to do was figure out what stick Saytireka had shoved up her ass about us and convince half the village we weren’t going to murder them in their beds, and life would be golden.

“What about you, Estrella?” Ria asked.

“What about me, what?” I responded brilliantly.

“Pay attention, fool.” Mariano rolled his eyes. “If you could bring anything from Earth, what would it be?”

“Air conditioning,” I answered without thinking. “Tortillas. A bra. Indoor plumbing. The internet. Grilled cheese with béchamel.”My favorite vibrator, butt plug, and nipple clamps.

“Oh, man. I used to go to this food truck that made the best fucking grilled cheeses.” Ria moaned, licking her lips.

Kashka’s head turned, her green eyes on the redhead as her tongue flicked out, tasting the air curiously.

“What do you say? We fix up the bug’s ship and start an import/export business? The first and only trade line between Earth and...” Mariano furrowed his eyebrows. “What’s the name of this planet, anyhow?”

“There isn’t one,” Shane answered. “Indaro seemed to think the idea of something so large needing a name was silly.”

“Well, they don’t have to use it, but I’d like to have something to call this place,” Mariano said.

My mind provided a slew of unhelpful options. Fur and Fang. Giant World. Hotel California: Extraterrestrial Edition. Meow-Hiss.

“The Teterayuh word for “here” issalyk,” Shane suggested. “It’s basic, but...”

“Yeah, but then there’s no difference betweenthis spotandthis planet,” said Ria.

“We need a word specific to here,” Cass mused. “Maybe something about the red leaves?”

“Sanguine would tie into our somewhat bloody introduction,” Shane said.

“Doluna,” I said, my throat tight.

Shane looked at me, eyebrows raised.

Cass was the first to understand, her hand closing over mine with shared memories. “Dos lunas,” she murmured. “Two moons.”

“Ooh, I like it!” said Ria.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Mariano crowed. “Now that we’re here, Doluna is going to be the power planet of the galaxy.”

“Power planet?” Therry asked, head tipped in confusion.

“It’s...there was this famous couple on Earth...people put their names together...never mind.” Mariano stumbled over his words, his gaze flicking to Therry and just as quickly away. He turned to me, cracking a bright smile. “It’s a good name. Doluna. Home to cats, snakes, dragons, and us.”

“Dragons not know what they’re in for,” Yin said, somberly.

I paused, unsure how xe meant it.

Yin lifted xyr chin regally, then hissed, fingers curled into claws for the full effect. Xyr eyes sparkled with humor.

“Poor dragons!” I laughed, secretly horrified at the idea of my Abuele facing off with one of the terrifyingva’grev. Acid spitting badass or not, I’d much rather xe live the rest of xyr hopefully long life in peace and safety.