Page 132 of Theirs to Crave

I bared my teeth, holding her tighter. MyLeleshahad been hurt too much, by too many. It stopped now.

She’d been growing steadily more tense as we came closer to the sky rock, and as I set her down gently in front of the gapingmaw that was its entrance, she swayed on her feet, eyes wide and staring.

“I can’t go in there again,” she whispered. “I can’t.”

My need to watch the last breath leave Arvel’s body was all-consuming. I needed to know he would never hurt my love again. Needed to know I hadn’t failed her completely.

I picked her up, strode to a nearby tree that offered a wide view of the sky rock, and leaned against it, cradling her head to my chest so she didn’t have to look at the cursed thing.

“We will wait here until the others come,” I promised. “You never have to go in there again. Never, Estrayuh.”

I held her, purring and stroking her back as her tears wet my fur and broke my heart. The storm passed quickly—there would be others, I knew, that would rage longer and harder—and she rolled her eyes up to look at me.

“Thank you, Revik.”

“Do not thank me.” It came out harsher than I intended, and I cupped her cheek, nuzzling her until she relaxed again. “You have nothing to thank me for, Estrayuh. I didn’t protect you. I was not there when you needed me. I am supposed to be yourDadee. It was my honor to take care of you, and I failed.” I had to force the words out, each one carrying a bloody chunk of my spirit. But she deserved the truth. It was the least she deserved.

“Sone oonas mamadas.” Estrayuh’s voice was incredulous. She pushed upright, and I dropped my arms, freeing her.

Whatever recriminations she laid on my back, I would carry. Her anger was warranted. I would not make such mistakes again, and eventually, I would earn her trust again—

She flicked me on the nose.

My eyes snapped open.

She did it again!

“No!Bahd kittee!” Estrayuh gripped my chin with her strong little fingers and glared into my eyes. “You listen to me, and you listen well. You didnotfail. You taught me how to protectmyself, and I fuckingdid! I felt you with me every moment. I knew you would come for me, and youdid, because you are the best fuckingDadeea girl could possibly have!”

She kissed me, a hard press of her mouth to mine, and when she pulled back her eyes were glassy. “Tay ahmo, ideeyotuh.”

“Tell me you understand.” Estrayuh shook my chin.

I actually didn’t understand that last bit. But the rest had arrowed straight through me, piercing me, setting me free. As fierce as myLeleshalooked just then, I was more than a little concerned that any answer other than “yes” would end with me being punched in the dick just like Arvel.

“I understand,” I murmured, slipping my arms around her once more. She released her death grip on my chin and I dipped forward, nuzzling her cheek. “I am so proud of you,” I whispered into her ear. “I hate that you feared. Hate that you hurt. But I’m so grateful you are mine.”




Estrayuh smiled at me, soft cheeks creasing with adoration, as our loves, her brother, and my best friend surrounded us, frantic with worry and buzzing with questions.

It was bliss.

Now, to kill aka’vek.

Chapter 38


Arvel’s limp, unresponsive body fell to the ground with a satisfying thud. In my arms, Estrayuh hissed and looked away.

“I thought you said you only hit him the once,” Naryanuh challenged, looking down at the rather abused form with a raisedaibrow. “Juhnkpuhnch’dhim and pulled his tail, you said.”

“He made me angry,” Estrayuh huffed, scrubbing at a speck of blood on her hand with pointed concentration.