Estrayuh stopped slapping at my chest and peered up at me, eyes wide.
She looked so adorably hopeful. Affection swelled in my chest and I leaned in, nuzzling her. “You will be mine,Lelesha. Now get on your feet. If you can make it to thattonsettree,” I flicked my ear at the twisting trunk three body lengths away, “I’ll let you ride my tongue before I—what was it you said? Split you open like asoru.”
Estrayuh snorted a laugh, teeth nibbling her lower lip as she pushed up onto her elbows. “What happens if I don’t make it?”
“You’ll feel my hand on your ass until you’re sore, dripping, and begging for my cock,” I growled.
“C—can I just give up now?”
“Yes. But you only get this,” I let my cock push from my sheath and gave it a long, twisting stroke, “if you really try to win.”
She bolted.
I crouched, forcing my cock to retract as I watched her progress. When she’d crossed half the distance to thetonsettree, I bounded forward, scooped her up, and tossed her over my shoulder.
She kicked, pounding her feet ineffectively against my chest.
I swatted her and took a step away from the tree. She knew better.
Estrayuh squealed and bucked. Herhows’dreshad slipped to the side, leaving her ass bare, and it took all my will not to run my tongue between her thighs and lap up the arousal I smelled so clearly.
“You’re not trying,” I chided.
“You’redistracting!” Estrayuh snarled.
“Were you expecting a calm, peaceful attack?”
In response, Estrayuh clamped both hands around the base of my tail and wrenched it sharply upward.
Agony shot through my spine. I dropped to my knees, roaring.
Estrayuh pushed out of my hold, spun on her heel without pausing, and ran.
My lips curled into a snarl as I shot after her, excitement and pride pumping through me. She hadn’t held back—that had really fucking hurt.
I snagged the flapping end of herhows’dresand yanked, pulling her off her feet.
She rolled into the fall, just as I’d shown her.
I hauled harder, a predatory grin slashing across my face when the cloth tore. I tossed it aside and stilled, transfixed by the sight of her—bare, soft, and quivering. She rolled onto her back, thighs parting, and—
Pain exploded in my nose.
Estrayuh wriggled, dragging herself out from under me. Blindly, I lashed out, my hand landing on her ankle and holding her tight. She reared around, trying for my nose again, but I ducked and her hard little fist glanced harmlessly off the side of my head.
I caught her arms, pinning them with one hand and tangling her legs with mine. I wrapped my other hand around her neck and snarled, feeling a trickle of blood trail from my nose.
She snarled back.
I was so fucking proud.
I checked her eyes, looking for fear, but found only fierceness. Inhaling, I drew in an intoxicating mix of battle rush, arousal, blood, and sweat—not a hint of bitter terror.
“Mine,” I growled. “I. Win.”
Estrayuh arched against my hold and ground her mouth against mine, her teeth sinking into my lip. A smear of red decorated her mouth when she dropped her head back, and I watched—thoroughly enamored—as a pleased, coy smile curled her bloody lips. “Yours,” she purred. “Iwin.”
My cock pushed out of my sheath so fast it hurt. I pressed my forehead to hers, my purr roaring, and silently thanked the spirits for blessing me yet again.