His cock kept going and going, filling me, ruining me. An eternity later, the heavy, half-pain, half-pleasure sensation of him pushing against my cervix brought my head up, gasping.
Zaf groaned, a rush of curses or prayers spilling from him. He pulsed his hips, grinding against the deepest parts of me, and a gush of wetness squeezed out around him.
Litha made a surprised sound, then her tongue lashed wildly, slurping up my juices.
I dug my toes into the cushion, panting, and pushed forward. “Oh, oh, oh, fuuuck,” I muttered, as I dragged myself a few inches off the alien cock skewering me. Gripping Litha’s waist, I drove myself back.
I didn’t have breath to scream. My mouth opened, but nothing came out. My wide eyes locked on Revik’s as my pussy tried to clamp around Zaf’s cock. Zaf shouted, his claws biting into my hips, as Revik bared his teeth.
He snapped his hips back, then drove them forward, the impact reverberating through Litha to me. He did it again. Again. Again!
Zaf reared back, his cock slamming into me with Revik’s next thrust.
Litha and I screamed, writhing.
They fucked us together. The world narrowed to that room, that bed, our bodies moving in quivering, shuddering unison. Litha’s teeth sank into my thigh. I buried mine in her side.
The orgasms crashed over me, one after the other, blending together into a delirious rush of indescribable ecstasy.
Zaf gripped my ass cheek with one hand, fisting my hair with the other, dragging me back and forth on his hammering cock like I was a fuck doll.
“Rek, sah sethvang,” he grunted, and bowed, curving his body over mine. His teeth pierced my shoulder as heat exploded, bathing my swollen cunt in his cream.
My pussy clenched so hard it hurt, the orgasm darkening my vision. I heard Revik snarling, felt Litha tremble beneath me, then Zaf’s hips snapped forward one more time, and my consciousness fled.
I drifted in and out of awareness, my body tingling with aftershocks. Someone moved me, settling me next to Litha. We cuddled together, our breathing ragged. Cool, soothing wetness stroked over me. A warm body laid itself against my back, purring. Short fur. Revik.
We slept.
Chapter 31
Estrayuh buried her face in the stand of akath fronds, drawing in the scent and exhaling with a blissful sigh. I’d heard the sound a lot in the days since she’d come to our bed, and my tail curled with desire every time.
“I love the way this smells,” she said, almost moaning. “Likekarduhmomandsweet’graas.” She sniffed again, then sneezed as the feathery fronds tickled her nose.
I chuckled, swatting her butt with my tail when she huffed in mock offense. Theakathstalks snapped easily, and Estrayuh and I worked in companionable silence, adding to the soft, fragrant pile in the basket on my back.
It had been fifteen days since that first, passionate mating. Sating our desires seemed only to make them burn brighter, and we had spent much of that time in the den, feeding the fire.
We’d shredded our sleeping cushion beyond use on the fourth day. After that, we’d been more careful, but last night we’d conspired to drive Zaf wild. With me riding him onto Revik’scock while Estrayuh soaked his face with her climax, we’d succeeded, and the cushion hadn’t survived.
He and Revik had taken the shreds of both covers—freshly washed—to the village, prepared to beg Roosa and the weavers for a replacement. To beg, and to brag. We’d all been more than a little smug since Estrayuh accepted ourervang. It had only gotten worse when she shared her body with us.
“We should go to the next bush,” Estrayuh said, when half the mature fronds were left.
I nodded, pleased. She had taken well to tending the jungle plants, but it had taken longer for her confidence to match her skill.
At the next bush, she snapped off a frond, brushing it against her cheek thoughtfully as she glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.
“Yes?” I asked, returning the sideways glance with an amused flick of my ear.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.” I turned to her, giving her my full attention. Her Teterayuh had gotten much better—and we’d learned a scattering of words in the two Hyunan languages she spoke—but more complicated subjects still took concentration to decipher.