Page 103 of Theirs to Crave

I moved between her nipples, lapping and sucking, her little sounds making me burn like tequila straight to the bloodstream.

“Rek, het toum,” Zaf whispered raggedly.

I looked up to find him staring at Litha and I. Revik was still on his stomach, but he’d twisted around—his head on Zaf’s thigh—eyes blazing as he watched.

I pushed Litha back, following her down and nuzzling her ribs, running my hands along the firm sweep of her waist. I arched my back more than necessary, presenting a fine view of my ass, but otherwise ignored Zaf and Revik. They could watch if they wanted—I liked being appreciated as much as the next girl—but this was between me and Litha.

She grunted when I slipped lower, kissing across her hipbone.

I wanted to spread her open, see what alien playland she had between her legs. My mouth watered, desperate to find out what she tasted like.

Nobody was stopping me this time, so I did just that.

Her thighs parted, knees pulling back, baring her center to my wondering eyes.

She didn’t have folds or lips, so much as...petals. They were ruffled, surprisingly delicate-looking, and theymoved, rippling with the liquid grace of an underwater plant.

I traced my finger along the edge of one lavender petal where it blushed a pretty pink, and Litha’s hips left the ground. I did it again, on the other side, and her sex fluttered, hugging my finger.

Litha pushed up onto her elbow, watching me explore. Her face held a vulnerability that I didn’t see in her often, and I was reminded of that first night, when she’d been so confused and concerned about my boobs and the phantom infants.

“Bonita,” I murmured, caressing her undulating folds. She was slippery with desire, and I raised wet fingers to my lips, moaning at her taste. Musky, almost spicy, with that indescribable salty-sweetpussyflavor that had haunted my dreams since college. “Deliciosa.”

I remembered how Zaf had focused on my labia this morning, and how surprised he’d been to find my clit. Not in that “I thought it was a myth” way of some dudes, but a real, honest, “I didn’t know they came in that model” way.

Her fur was a sensuous brush against my arms as I slid them beneath her thighs, getting comfortable.

She tasted even better direct from the source.

Our moans blended together as I licked, running my tongue between her dancing petals. They licked me back, curling, caressing, blurring the line between “eating pussy” and “makingout” until it disappeared, and my world narrowed to wet, slurping, slippery heat.

Above me, Litha wailed. Her hips pumped, and I rode the wave, my hands holding her tight as I drank her down.

Sweat and cum dripped down my neck, tracing a cooling path between my breasts. I shivered and pulled back, dropping kisses on her mound between heavy, panting breaths. Slowly, the black spots that swam before my eyes faded.

“Lelesha,” Litha whispered reverently.

I rolled my head to the side, letting my gaze trail up her body until I met her eyes. They shone so brightly they almost—no! Holy shit, they wereglowing!

Litha gathered my hair into her hand and tugged. Fascinated, I rose obediently, crawling up her body until we were face to face. Her honey eyes were lit as if the sun shone through them.So beautiful.

She rubbed her jaw against mine in a Teterayuh kiss, then held me close, forehead to forehead. “Thank you,” she murmured.

I kissed her in the human way and licked my lips. “My pleasure.”

Litha laughed. Her hand ran up and down my back as if she couldn’t stop touching me, and the emotional rush at beingneededlike that was almost as good a high as the orgasms.


She nudged my jaw with her tail, and I saw Revik and Zaf kneeling beside us, thighs spread wide, stroking each other. Their eyes were fixed on us.

All the spit in my mouth dried up. Awe, fear, horniness, and aesthetic appreciation warred in me, the cocktail leaving me breathless and with an embarrassingly wet pussy.

Zaf’s cock had to be near to a foot long. I’d held it hand over hand that morning, and I’d have needed a third hand to get to the tip. It stood straight and proud, like a marble column. The smooth lines were broken only by a spiral of flesh-covered bumps, each the size of my fingertip. The head was a deep blood red, fading to orange, and finally the palest pink at the base.

Revik’s was closer to nine inches, which was still enough to make my cervix beg for mercy.

But, ¡A la verga! He was even thicker than I thought. The stroke of Zaf’s hand up and down his monstrous shaft was hypnotic.Hisfingers barely touched at the widest spot!