“Show me,” Valan said and stretched his wooden sword out to her.
“I don’t need to,” Lizbeth shot back.
“Enough!” Cree ordered and the two fell silent. “I go to speak with your mum. Behave for your grandda or there will be consequences to pay. Understood?”
Valan and Lizbeth nodded.
“Cree,” Kirk said, concern not only in his voice but his eyes as well.
“We will talk when I return with Dawn,” Cree said and Kirk nodded, a smile of relief on his face that he need not worry.
Cree stepped out of the keep and saw Sloan ready to rush up the stairs.
“Word reached me—”
Cree raised his hand to halt the man’s words. “My fault, Sloan. I came here instead of directly to the old keep.”
“As you should since this is your home now,” Sloan said.
“Aye, but I need to remember that you will not be as close by as always,” Cree said.
“I will be wherever you need me, my lord,” Sloan said with a respectful nod.
“I appreciate that, my friend, and since you were keeping an eye on Tate as ordered you would know that my wife went with him into the woods.”
“Along with two warriors.”
He should have known better then to worry about his wife’s safety. Ever since nearly losing her, he had made sure extra precautions were taken. Sloan would have made sure Dawn did not go into the woods alone.
“Show me where,” Cree said, and they hurried to their horses.
Though he knew his warriors and Beast would keep his wife safe, he was relieved to see her walking out of the woods, Beast to her one side and Tate to her other, and the two warriors behind them when he and Sloan reached the old keep. He dismounted and while he thought to hurry to her in haste and hug her tight, he did not have the chance. His wife was already hurrying to him and flung her arms around him to squeeze him tight.
He loved that after several years together, she still greeted him with the same loving enthusiasm she always did.
Dawn stepped back from her husband to gesture.
“Nay, William is not with me, but there is much to tell you,” Cree said and looked to Tate who remained a distance away. “Join us, Tate. I have news of William.”
Tate hurried forward. “He is well.”
“Aye, he is well and sends his regards,” Cree said, and Tate paled. “You have much to explain.”
Dawn looked from Cree to Tate questioningly.
“It is best we discuss this in private,” Cree said and looked to Sloan. “You will join us in your solar.”
“Aye, my lord,” Sloan said and led the way into the keep, issuing orders for drink to be brought to his solar.
Dawn halted a moment in the doorway of the solar, Sloan and Tate having preceded Cree and her in. She stared at the room once so familiar to her and felt tears tickle her eyes. It was no longer Cree’s solar. All the things that made it his were gone, replaced with items that spoke of Sloan. She wondered then over Cree’s solar in the new keep and her own, she had yet to put her own touch to.
“My solar awaits your touch,” Cree whispered in her ear, standing close behind her.
She turned her head up to him, smiled, and nodded, eager to make their new home finally and truly theirs.
Cree placed his hand low to her back and guided her to a chair by the fireplace that burned with a healthy fire. Spring held a chill, especially within the stone walls of the keep.
Dawn sat and the men stood.