Page 30 of One Night in Paris

When I arrived at the office, I took a deep breath, double-checking the name was right. Winters International Architecture Firm, this was the place.

The moment I entered the office, I was greeted with a pleasant. “Good morning!” A gentleman dressed in a smart striped black and white button-down and black slacks popped up from behind the reception area. “You must be Harper! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you! I’m Patrick, and I’ve heard so much about you.”

His smile showed off his dazzling white teeth, and his short brown hair was perfectly styled. When he came around the desk to hug me, it felt like I was embracing an old friend. Something told me Patrick and I were going to get along just fine.

“Thank you,” I said as he released me. “Yep, Harper. That’s me.” Nerves bubbled up inside me as I considered who I might be seeing next.

“Don’t you look nice!” His eyes roamed over me but not at all like he was checking me out. Rather, he was looking at my outfit. “Girl, that outfit is fantastic. So classy.”

Instantly, I felt better. My biggest fear was that I’d show up and stick out like a sore thumb. “Thanks so much,” I told him, biting down on my bottom lip.

“Follow me!” Patrick clapped his hands together and headed across the office. With a smile on my face, I followed him, despite my nervousness.

Patrick guided me down a hallway to an office in the back. “Logan is expecting you.” Squeezing my arm gently, he said, “You are going to fit in just fine around here. Don’t you worry.” With that, he knocked on the door and then turned and walked away.

I was still watching him when Logan’s familiar voice shouted out, “Come in!”

Swallowing hard, I opened the door and stepped inside, my heart racing. Logan was sitting behind his extremely tidy desk. “Good morning,” I murmured.

He looked up and smiled, standing up to greet me. “Harper, it’s great to see you,” he said, offering me his hand. I smiled back at him, shaking his hand and trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

“It’s great to be here,” I replied.

I’d started to feel better about my outfit when Patrick had said he liked it, but I knew it wasn’t exactly the most stylish look I could’ve worn. Logan, on the other hand, wore a sharp navy suit with a crisp white shirt and a coordinating tie. His outfit was impeccably tailored, and he looked every inch the successful businessman.

Behind Logan was a wall of windows. After I’d finished admiring the amazing man in front of me, I couldn’t help but be awestruck by the view of New York City out the window. The office was located on the top floor of a high-rise building, offering a stunning panorama of the city skyline. The iconic Empire State Building rose up in the distance, its sleek Art Deco design standing out against the clear blue sky. Something told me I might become easily distracted working here.

Logan turned and looked over his shoulder. “Yeah, as an architect, it’s hard for me, too.” He totally understood what I was thinking. “You look great by the way.” His tone was professional, nothing like it had been when he’d complimented my dress on our date. I thanked him, and he said, “Let me show you around.

“Sounds great.” Still nervous, I followed him out the door, not sure if my pulse was racing now because of the new job or the hot guy leading the way.

As Logan showed me around the office, I couldn’t help but feel a little starstruck. The office was beautiful, which shouldn’t have been a shock since they specialized in buildings and spaces. Everyone I met was extremely nice, and from what I could tell, every member of the team was working hard already even this early in the morning. I quickly began to realize this was an incredible opportunity for me, and I was determined to make the most of it.

“This is where you’ll be working,” Logan said, leading me over to a sleek, modern desk. “I think you’ll find everything you need here. And if there’s ever anything else you need, just let me know.”

Taking a moment to absorb my new surroundings, I checked out my desk. It was close to his office, so I could jump in whenever he needed me. The space itself was bright and airy, and another row of floor-to-ceiling windows offered a stunning view of the city skyline across the way.

“So, how was your weekend?” Logan asked, leaning against my desk. “Did you work the whole time, or did you get to have any fun?”

Grinning, I thought,He knows me so well already.”I worked,” I admitted. “But I guess I’ll get next weekend off.”

“Yep. You’ll have so much free time, you won’t even know what to do with it.” Logan chuckled, and I did, too. “Anyway, Ihope you’re ready to dive into your new role here. I know you’re going to be a valuable addition to the team.”

“I’m ready.” Looking into his eyes, I felt a wave of confidence surge through me. “And I’m really excited to be here. I can’t wait to get started.”

Logan nodded, looking pleased. “I have a feeling you’re going to do great things here,” he said. “What questions do you have?”

“A lot, actually,” I said, meeting his gaze. “Could you explain to me a little more about what it is that an architectural firm does?”

Logan nodded, clearly happy to oblige. “Of course,” he said. “An architectural firm is responsible for designing and planning the construction of buildings and other structures. We work with clients to understand their vision, and then we turn that vision into a reality by creating detailed plans and drawings. It’s a lot of work, but it’s also very rewarding.”

“That sounds amazing.” A sense of excitement bubbled up inside me.

“We have clients all over the United States and in Europe,” Logan continued. Stepping a few feet away, closer to his office, he gestured to a map on the wall that showed the locations of the firm’s various projects. I noted the pin stuck in Paris, which made my smile widen. “We’ve worked on everything from shopping centers to office buildings to residential homes. It’s a wide range of projects, but it keeps things interesting.”

I nodded, taking in all the information. It was exhilarating to think about all the different places that the firm had worked, and I couldn’t wait to be a part of it all. “Do you have any favorite projects that you’ve worked on?” I asked, curious to know more.

With a thoughtful look on his face, Logan tapped his chin. “It’s hard to choose just one. But I would have to say that the public library we designed in downtown Detroit was a highlight.It was a challenging project, but seeing the finished building was incredibly rewarding.”