Iwant to die.
Please, God, let me die.
I can’t take any more of Nikolai’s and Dmitri’s depravity. I have no tears left. The last one dried up hours ago after they had finished round two.
“What the fuck are those fuckers thinking?” Nikolai screams at me.
My mind is a blur; I have no idea what he is talking about.
He pulls a table up, spins the computer around, and presses play.
I see Tomas’s and Mateo’s beautiful faces on the screen as well as Sophie’s. I watch as they declare their love before the world. I’m so happy that they don’t have to hide anymore. But then they start talking about me, about how much they love me, and my broken heart is soldered back together again. I can feel their love all the way down here in the depths of hell. When they start talking about Nikolai and how he kidnapped me, I’m in shock.
What the hell are they thinking?
“They fucking named me,” Nikolai spits, and I can see pure hatred directed at the men.
“Did you not think they would fight back?”
He looks at me and I’m scared, really scared. “I guess they don’t love you that much. Do they think this little display of strength is going to save you? Do they think I won’t kill you because of this? Maybe I should, maybe I should video myself touching you, showing them exactly whose whore you are. Maybe I should show them how much Dmitri likes your pussy? Show them they aren’t the only two men able to satisfy you.”
I shake my head, thrashing my body in these goddamn chains. That would kill them. No, they don’t need to see what these two do to me.
“Ignore them, Nikolai. The media is way more interested in them being a couple than what you have done,” Dmitri argues.
“Get the fuck out,” Nikolai roars at Dmitri who just holds his hands up, shaking his head and makes his way out the door.
I need a plan. I need him to forget about Tomas and Mateo.
“Nikolai,” I whisper his name.
This gets his attention, and he walks toward me.
Okay, you can do this. “You were right.”
He stands in front of me and tilts his head, trying to work out what I am doing.
“You satisfy me.” Every word I speak makes my skin crawl. “You and Dmitri satisfy me just as much as they do.”
Nikolai’s eyes squint at me as if he is trying to read my mind.
“I know I will never be going back to them.” I take in a deep breath. “But I don’t want to be sold either,please. Let me stay with you and Dmitri.”
Nikolai’s eyes widen, not believing what’s coming out of my mouth.
“I want to make a deal.” I hope that this works, it’s my only chance.
Nikolai chuckles. “You want to make a deal? I don’t think you are in any position to make a deal.”
This is true, but I was hoping against all odds that Nikolai still had feelings for me. I get it now, he needs to know he has won against Tomas and Mateo, that he has won me. “I know, but I’ve been thinking about things while I’ve been here. About how I have been wrong.”
This gets his attention.
“I belong to you; I understand that now. If you let Gracie go …” Nikolai tries to butt in, but I hush him. “If you let her go, then I’m yours.”
He looks surprised. “But you are already mine to do with what I like.”
No shit. You made that very clear the hundredth time you forced yourself into me.