Page 74 of Sapphire

Panic sweeps over my body, and I lash out against Nikolai, who just laughs, pushing me forward, closer to Dmitri.

“I wonder if her pussy tastes the same as her sister’s. I wonder who fucks better of the two of them?” Dmitri and Nikolai laugh.

Fucking disgusting pigs.

“Fuck you, you piece of shit. If you bring your dick anywhere near me, I’m going to bite it off,” I snarl at him.

He just laughs, and that’s when I feel cold metal pressed into my side.

“If you bite his dick off, then I will put a bullet through your head, and your body will never be found. We know how to make people disappear.”

My body tenses at Nikolai’s venom. I have a feeling he isn’t bluffing, but I don’t care.

“Shoot me, fucking shoot me. I would rather die than suck his dick,” I spit.

Nikolai’s face contorts and it really scares me.

“I own you now. If I ask you to suck all my friend’s dicks then you will do it. If I ask you to lift your skirt and bend over and let my friends fuck you, you are going to do it. If I want to loan you out to get a deal done, then I fucking will. You have no choices, Zoe, none. What you think doesn’t matter anymore because you are here for man’s pleasure not your own.”

Spit hits my face as he rants.

“If you do a good job like I know you can, then you will get the good jobs and have some kind of freedom, but if Dmitri deems your skills lacking, then you will be put with the gutter whores who work the streets.”

My heart is pumping. I want to fight him on this. I want to bite Dmitri’s dick off, but I have to be smart. Fuck him, this is about survival, and I will do anything to survive and get out of this place and take this fucker and all his depravity down. I steel myself against what is about to happen.

Dmitri smiles. “I’m ready for you, sweetheart.”

If he wants the best damn blow job in the world, he is going to get it.

Nikolai pushes me toward him. “Get on your knees,” he commands, and I do as I’m told. “Good girl.” As Nikolai releases my hair, the blood slowly seeps back into my head, and the throbbing starts. I shuffle forward, placing my hands on Dmitri’s thighs.

“Open wide, Zoe. Show me what Nikolai has been raving about for the past month.”

My eyes look to where Nikolai is standing, his face is stony. My heart is pounding. You can do this; you can do this. Just think of something else. I move closer and pray that I can get through this.

“You did so well tonight, Zoe. You made me proud,” Nikolai coos as his fingers touch my blonde hair just the way he used to touch me while we lay in bed talking about the future. “Dmitri said that was one of the best blow jobs he has ever received, and that’s saying something, the man is the biggest whore.” He chuckles as if this whole situation is okay. “I’m sorry I made you do that, but this is your life now. I knew the moment I met you that you were special.” Nikolai caresses my face. “Moyo zoloste, my gold.”

My heart is confused because he’s being nice to me, like the old Nikolai, but in that room, I saw his other side—the ruthless mafia boss.

“Why? Why did you do it? I loved you, Nikolai. I thought we were going to have a future together. Get married, have a family, all the things we spoke about. You never once led me to believe I was going to be your whore.”

His hard palm meets my cheek, and I’m stunned.

“You are fucking special. You will be one of my jewels. I love you, Zoe, but this is my life. This is what I was bred to do. You and I can still be together; we can still have that life we spoke about.”

“You love me, yet you’re happy to let your friends fuck me, let their hands touch my body. Do you like eating the cum out of my used pussy? Is that what you like?”

Nikolai’s hand reaches out lightning fast and begins to choke me. I can see the anger burning in his eyes.

“Don’t you ever speak to me like that ever again. I told you, you’re special, no other woman has ever held my attention like you have. You are my whore to do with how I see fit. If that is to suck my friend’s cock, then that is all you are good for. If I need you to seduce a politician for the night so that he can sign off on paperwork for me then that is what you are going to do. Just because I whore you out doesn’t mean I don’t care for you or that you are not my favorite. But know this, I can end your life at any moment because there are thousands, millions of beautiful women hanging out at bars, waiting for someone like me to come along and show them a good time.”

I’m so fucking angry I spit in his face and launch myself at him. “I hate you, I fucking hate you. I’m going to kill you; one day I’m going to fucking kill you.” My nails rip into his skin.

“Get off me, you fucking bitch!” Nikolai screams. He’s too strong for me and overpowers me easily, pressing his body against me. His weight holds me in place, and he has a tight grip on my wrists. “That will be the last time I will deal with one of your outbursts. Next time you will not like the consequences.”

He’s too strong for me, but there will be a time when I become stronger, and I will seek my revenge.

“Zoe, Zoe,” Gracie screams.