Page 51 of Oh Buoy

I was shocked and elated at his statement, too overwhelmed to reply. I let him step into the boat first, but unlike last time, I offered no assistance. I didn’t risk touching him for fear that I’d never let go. So, I waited patiently until Rowan was seated and then I stepped in and sat down beside him.

“Great weather this weekend, eh? Did you guys have a good time on the island?” Charlie asked as we sped out to sea.

“I had the best three days of my life,” Rowan replied passionately. I shivered at his words but sat in silence, letting the wind and the warm spray of the ocean wash over me, the tendrils of anxiety sliding away along with it.

“Wow, that must’ve been some resort, Rowan. Maybe I’ll head there when the charter season ends.”

“You won’t regret it.” Rowan replied as he looked at me. Charlie continued to make small talk, and a short while later, the yacht came into view. We pulled up near the stern and stepped out of the tender and onto the lower deck. I waved at staff members back from vacation, working on the decks and wishing us good morning. I didn’t look at Rowan. I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide my feelings for him - they were bobbing on the surface, resistant to the waves of reality that would soon crash over us.

Instead, I grabbed my suitcase and rushed inside, then downstairs to my bunk, closing the door behind me. Going through the usual motions, I threw my clothes in the laundry and cleaned my room. My body was agitated and my mind even more so. I thought when I returned, I would feel relief. It would be over. Done. We could move on. Instead, my heart now belonged to Rowan, and I had to pretend like my entire world hadn’t shifted.

My phone pinged, startling me out of my thoughts.

Rowan:meet me in my office in five minutes. Be prepared to take extensive notes. I have a contract that needs drafting.

Andrew:I’ll be there

Back to work mode. Good. Fine. My stomach tightened painfully. Had I mistaken what Rowan had said to me earlier? Trying to get my mind focused on things other than my sex life, I texted Hunter, then my father, and posted a few of the pictures I took on the weekend. None of Rowan, of course. I had only one photo of the two of us, a selfie that I hadn’t been able to resist. We were sitting on the beach with our arms around each other, and the smile on his face was truly spectacular. I hovered over the delete button, but I just couldn’t do it.

Checking my social media, I saw comments from friends back home and noticed that I had a new follower: CRC. No picture. Interesting. Based in London, a Gemini, loves martinis… That sneaky little shit. A warmth spread through me, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach take flight again.

My phone buzzed. Fuck, I was supposed to be upstairs.

Rowan:I’m waiting

Andrew:I’m coming

I grabbed my laptop and made my way upstairs. As I pass through the lounge, I nodded at Kayla who shoved her phone in her pocket and picked up the vacuum, the sound drowning out any potential for chitchat. I knocked on Rowan’s door and entered.

He was sitting behind his desk as usual, dressed in a short-sleeved blue shirt. He looked sharp, and the blue brought out his eyes. Don’t look in his eyes. Too late.

“Come here,” he said in a firm voice, and all the hair on my body stood on end.

“Rowan, what are you doing?”

“I said, come here, Andrew.”

I walked around his desk and waited in front of him, and he slowly got to his feet. He moved closer but didn’t touch me, and my heart pounded heavily in my chest.

“Tell me you don’t want this,” he murmured. I could smell the mint on his breath and the vanilla that underscored his cologne. So damn good. He was right within reach, but neither of us made any further movement.

“I can’t tell you that. I want you. I want us. But there are staff members surrounding us. And too much at stake.”

His body shuddered as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them, I could see everything I was feeling inside mirrored back at me - happiness, fear, desire, and a wistfulness, a longing for more.

“We’ll figure it out. I promise. Now kiss me,” he demanded, but I shook my head. “It’s been six hours since you kissed me, and I’m going out of my mind.”

“No,” I said even though my body was at war with my mind. I wanted his kiss just as badly, but seeing Kayla on my way up here reminded me that we were far from alone. I walked back around the desk and sat opposite him. “Kayla is down the hall working. If you kiss me now, we’re not going to stop. I’m going to strip down and bend over this desk, and everyone on this ship is going to hear what really happened this weekend.”

“Drew,” Rowan growled as he adjusted himself.

“Let’s discuss this new contract and stick to business for the time being. Then around eight o’clock tonight, when you take your evening tea, I can bring it to you, and we canworktogether. Late into the night.” I smiled at him, and he finally relented.

“I’m holding you to that,” Rowan murmured and looked at me expectantly.

“The contract?” I asked.

Rowan cleared his throat. “Hmm. Yes, right. Remember Leo?”