Page 14 of Oh Buoy


I turned back to the man, who was busy typing away on his phone.

“The tender will be ready in a few minutes.”

He finally looked at me. “These mega-rich assholes are the worst, eh?”

“I’m not sure I understand what you mean,” I replied, wishing I were anywhere but here. I took a deep breath and let the cool, salty air calm my nerves.

“Rowan flirts with me at the restaurant, he’s all over me at the club and then we come back here and nothing. The guy can barely get it up. Then he tells me he’s overtired, and I need to go. Fucking cocktease!”

I had a mind to toss this asshole overboard without a life jacket.

“That’s none of my business, and I would prefer to keep it that way. And please lower your voice,” I replied calmly.

He eyed me up, despite my returning glare. “I prefer bulkier men, but you’re cute.”

I shook my head at his audacity. This guy was fucking unreal. “The tender is ready to take you back. Charlie will ensure you get to shore safely. Have a good morning.”

“You’re just like your boss, so uptight. You need a good hard fuck to loosen you up,” he sneered. The sooner I got rid of this dickhead, the better.

“Thanks for the unnecessary advice, but it’s time for you to leave. Now.” I motioned to the stairway, and he finally relented, stomping down the stairs.

I watched as he boarded the tender, and Charlie smoothly guided them out to sea. I turned to head back inside when a voice echoed behind me.

“I guess we both dodged a bullet with that one.”



What a disastrous evening.

It started out promising, with a relaxed dinner at Hidden Cove and Luke as an entertaining diversion. For a while. Admittedly, my interest in the younger man was fleeting. He was beautiful, but I felt nothing more than flirtatious toward him. I was determined to get my mind off my handsome chief steward, and I figured the best way to do that was to focus on Luke. Unfortunately for everyone tonight, my plan backfired.

I’d only heard the tail end of the conversation between him and Andrew. Had my fleeing guest been angry enough to disclose what had gone down in my bedroom? Or rather, Luke going down on me and my uncooperative cock not responding.Whatever.It happened to all guys occasionally. I wasn’t a bloody machine. And I wasn’t into Luke.

“That man is a first-rate prick, so good riddance,” Andrew replied, and I was suddenly all too aware that we were standing alone on the deck with only the moon and the stars above us for company. There was hardly a breeze, the humid air as thick as the tension that tethered my gaze to Andrew’s. I took in the fierce expression on his stunning face and began to sweat. The intimacy of our surroundings had my blood racing but my brain panicking.

“I apologize if he was rude. Please ignore whatever drivel he passed along as conversation.”

“No apology needed. Is there anything I can get for you before I head back to my room?”

You.My dick twitched at the thought of my naked body entwined with Andrew’s, hot and writhing. Despite the relief that my cock was once again in working order, the timing couldn’t be worse.

“I’m fine. I’m going to sit out here for a while.” I needed to calm the hell down and locate my brain, which was threatening to jump overboard. Andrew moved closer, and his earthy scent filled my head. I took a step closer to him and then realized my mistake.

“You had every right to change your mind. Don’t let his stupid attitude affect you,” Andrew murmured.

“I only heard the end of your conversation. Did he tell you what happened?”

Andrew grimaced and shook his head. “I prefer not to repeat what he said.”

“Tell me.” I didn’t care that he knew about what happened in my bedroom. I just wanted him to keep talking to me. The safety of the darkness that surrounded us had my normal anxieties floating away.


“Andrew…” I took another step, and only a small distance now separated us.