Page 64 of Oh Buoy

I interlocked my hand with Andrew’s and held tight as we headed out my bedroom door. We walked down to the lounge where a tablet was set up. I felt my breathing quicken and sensing my distress, Andrew squeezed my hand. Aiden sat down beside us and tapped on the screen to open the call.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Aiden Barstock, and I am a solicitor with Fulman, Furrow, Barstock, and Alden. I am here on behalf of my client, Mr. C. Rowan Carter, of Carter Enterprises. Mr. Carter wishes to make a brief statement about photos that were recently released, and then he will take questions. Each press member is allowed one question only. Any further questions or inquiries can be made to Mr. Carter’s press office in London or directly to my office, I will provide the contact information before we conclude. Rowan, over to you.”

I smoothed down my shirt and flinched as I stared at the screen.

“Thank you. Two days ago, there were pictures published online of me and a man I am involved with. I would like to introduce Andrew Slater, sitting to the right of me, the man in question. Andrew came aboard my ship two months ago as a steward.” I paused and took another breath. “We didn’t expect to fall in love, but we did. This relationship is entirely consensual, and Andrew is no longer in my employ. We would like to get on with our lives together and ask for privacy at this time. Thank you.”

Aiden sat forward and swiped the tablet. “One at a time. First up, Global News Now.”

A young man with glasses appeared on screen. “There are rumors that Carter Enterprises is undergoing management changes. Given this affair, with an employee no less, will you be resigning as CEO?”

“I have no plans to resign, and this is not an affair. I did advise the board of Carter Enterprises this morning about my relationship status, so we’ll see what happens in the coming days.”

“Why make a formal announcement? Is there a wedding in the works?”

“One question per outlet.” Aiden barked.

“It’s alright.” I shook my head at Aiden. “We wanted to address the issue and tell the truth instead of letting speculation run rampant. And a wedding is definitely on the table but not yet. Next.” I answered.

Aiden announced the next reporter. “USA Weekly.”

“Some of the photos online were clearly taken aboard your ship. Do you know who released them?”

Aiden motioned to himself, so I left the question to him. “Yes, this person worked on Mr. Carter’s yacht and has been terminated. They violated their NDA, and Mr. Carter will be taking the matter to court. E! News Daily, you’re up.”

Another voice piped up but no video feed. “You had a relationship with Jojo Egeley, a high-profile UK celebrity, and ever since, you’ve been on the public radar. Are you concerned about this latest scandal and how it will impact your business?”

“This is not a scandal. As I mentioned, Andrew and I are consenting adults in love, and he no longer works for me. As to my company, I don’t see this having any lasting impact.”

“Business News Weekly, you’re up.” Aiden commented.

“Your family’s company keeps a low profile. Are you worried that you’re going to be kicked out of the business?” Someone spoke up, but we couldn’t tell who.

Rowan gave a small smile. “I’ve worked tirelessly for over a decade to turn Carter Enterprises into the billion-dollar business it is today. But if the board requests my leave, I will respect their wishes. The most important thing in my life is the man sitting next to me. He’s a wonderful, loving person, and I count myself blessed to have met him. In an ideal world, that would have been another way, but it just so happened that he came aboard my ship and quickly stole my heart. Sorry, that’s not true. I willingly gave it to him.” I turned to Andrew, and he smiled and squeezed my hand.

“Andrew, what is your background? Where are you from, and what are your plans now?”

Andrew cleared his throat. “I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. I’m sure y’all can find out about the rest of my life thanks to the internet.” I could hear the laughter of the reporters as Aiden and I looked on. “We’re asking for privacy so we can let our relationship develop as needed. As Rowan mentioned, our meeting wasn’t an ideal situation, but we are two consenting adults who love each other and want to build a life together.”

Aiden nodded at me. “That’s all for today, folks. If you want to stay connected, I’ll provide my contact details for any follow-up questions.”

I escorted Andrew back upstairs to my bedroom as Aiden dealt with the final press details. I breathed a sigh of relief as we lay down on my bed, side by side, facing each other.

“Are you okay?” Andrew asked as he ran a hand down my back, then pulled me into his arms. I shivered at his touch and moved in closer, letting his warmth sink into my bones, into my very soul. The emptiness that had gnawed away at me for so long was filling up with his love. I was in awe.

“When that reporter asked about the company, you flinched. Are they going to fire you?” he asked me.

I cupped Andrew’s face and looked deep into his eyes. “I honestly don’t know. Before I met you, I was determined to close that deal with Owen and fight for my stake. The company is such a huge part of my life, my family history, but now—” I paused and kissed him. “I realize that the company doesn’t define me. In fact, the more I worked these past two years, the more unhappy I became. All this time, I’ve been searching for a place to belong, to call home, and it turns out it isn’t work or a property or anything like that. It’s you. It’s our love.”

“That’s the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me.” Andrew’s eyes welled up, and my own blurred with unshed tears. Unfortunately, the romantic moment was spoiled by our mobiles ringing loudly. Fuck.

“It has begun.” I shook my head.

“I’m not worried, we can always sail to another island,” Andrew replied.

“What about Florida?”

“Someday. I was wondering if we could stay onNow,Voyagerfor a few months to avoid the media storm. I can work on my business remotely. It gives us time to be together without the pressure of being followed.”