Page 49 of Oh Buoy

“And you had no idea?”

“Not at first. I wanted him to move in with me six months after we started dating, but he said he wasn’t ready. I asked him again after a year, but he still resisted, telling me he liked his own space and that I was too wrapped up in work anyway. I never pressed after that. About a year and a half in, we attended a charity event in London, and he introduced me to this man. Watching them interact, I put the pieces into place and confronted him afterward. I was right.” I paused. Thinking about it didn’t hurt me anymore. It was a just a sad memory. “His lover’s married and not out. But Jojo was getting pressure from his family to settle down, so I guess he thought he’d try with me. As soon as I saw he had feelings for that man, it was over.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Ro. I know how it feels to be blindsided and suddenly find yourself adrift.”

“I’m just glad that I ended it before we did something stupid like get married.”

“Is that something that you want?” Andrew asked hesitantly, biting his lower lip.

“Marriage?” I gave him all my attention. “Someday, with the right person. You?”

“If you asked me ten months ago, I would’ve said never. But now, now I think… someday, with the right person.” Andrew repeated as he smiled at me, and I couldn’t help but grin in return. That exhilarating feeling swept over me again.

“By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you about the name of your ship. I know it’s from an old movie, but I wonder why you chose it.”

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, scattered like fragments of sea glass strewn along a deserted beach. Andrew. Love. Marriage. Happiness…

“The movie references a poem by Walt Whitman, “Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find”.It resonated with me. I’ve always searched for answers, traveled to new places, tried new things. I’ve been hungry for more.”

“Just like you took your family business and expanded it, taking it to new heights. You’re on the hunt and never satisfied,” Andrew commented.

“I suppose you’re right. In business, anyway. I’ve accomplished a great deal professionally, but lately, it’s not enough. Like I told you yesterday, I’ve been unhappy for a long time. Shite, that probably sounds lame. The sad billionaire with his lonely life.”

Andrew chuckled. “Outside of your crazy ass wealth, you’re just like the rest of us. We’re all searching for a community, a family, a person, a place. Whatever it is you need, whatever it is that fulfills you, you gotta keep searching until you find it.”

“I don’t think I’m that far off,” I whispered as I stared into his deep brown eyes. Andrew felt like home to me, like he could read every need and desire I had deep inside of me and answered it without words. It was a welcome realization that was good and right.

He lifted my hand and turned it over, placing gentle kisses on my palm. The move was intimate, and my cheeks reddened. I’d rarely shown affection to a lover in public except at clubs in dark corners and as a prelude to fucking. He glanced up at me, and the burning heat swirling in his eyes made my heart pound in my chest. I had a mind to lean over and kiss him but then I remembered where we were. He motioned for the bill. We needed to get back to the hotel. Now.

Andrew shook his head. “No, sir, dinner is on me.”

I growled and shifted in my seat. “First off, I’m begging you not to call me sir in public. Second, I wanted to treat you. And third, give me a few minutes to calm down or the group of tourists at the table next to us will get a big surprise when I stand up – one that was not advertised on today’s menu.”

Andrew laughed. “First, I’ll try not to, but I won’t make any promises. Second, we shared a meal and two drinks, so despite my debt, I can handle it. And third, save that big surprise for later, I already ordered it.” The server passed him the bill, and Andrew smiled at her. All the blood in my body rushed south, so I sat there, like an eejit, watching as he quickly tapped the payment machine and thanked the server. The woman gave him a big smile in return and started chatting him up. Suddenly, I was alert again.

“Thank you for the excellent service tonight. My boyfriend and I had a marvelous anniversary dinner,” I interrupted. I wanted to wipe that flirty smile right off her face.

“Oh, of course. You’re most welcome,” she replied and quickly walked away.

“Boyfriend? Anniversary?” Andrew laughed at my obvious ploy.

“She was about to give you her phone number,” I bit out.

“I doubt that.” He grinned as he stood up. “You’re ridiculous. But I like it.” We held hands as we walked out of the restaurant, and I wondered how I was going to avoid reaching for him while on board the yacht for the next two months.

We drove to the hotel and after a quick walk on the beach made our way back to our room. We stripped each other slowly this time. As promised, I worshipped every inch of his skin and he mine. I was showing rather than telling him exactly how I felt.

“I know we talked about this the morning we arrived here, but I’ve been tested recently, clean bill of health,” Andrew murmured in between heated kisses.

“Me too. I was tested just over two months ago when I had my physical. There’s been no one else,” I replied.

“No condom,” Andrew whispered. “I want to feel all of you.”

“Yes.” I groaned and shuddered.

When I finally slid my bare dick home, deep in the heat of his ass, my whole body trembled with sensory overload. Andrew looked up at me as he lay on his back, linking his hands with mine, gripping tightly. There were words building up inside me that wanted to burst out, but I held on to them. Instead, I showed him with every kiss, every caress, how much I cared for him. How much I loved him.

Andrew had stolen my heart. This funny, caring, charming man was an unexpected gift that I would never be worthy of. Our long, languid lovemaking became frantic as we found our bliss together. I came so hard I could barely breathe.