Page 39 of Oh Buoy

“Really? I never would have guessed,” I whispered in his ear as I leaned in close. “Sir.”

Our eyes locked, and the only thing I could see in Rowan’s was desire.

“Save that talk for the hotel, I don’t want to get arrested for lewd behavior in public and spend the next three days in jail.”

“I’ll try to behave, but I make no promises.” I winked. We walked past the marina and along the main street, toward the rental company. Ten minutes later, we were driving a sporty convertible along the winding route that followed the edge of the island. We pulled up to a palm-covered driveway and Coconut Bay, an estate that sat on the edge of the sea. It was advertised as a boutique hotel, a hidden gem in a secluded cove, and I was looking forward to unwinding there in privacy.

“Wow, this place is stunning,” I exclaimed as I studied the three-story mansion. The entire house was white-painted wood, every single edge from the roof to the porch trimmed with ornate carvings that resembled delicate lace. The whole effect reminded me of a wedding cake – simple, elegant, and timeless. Surrounded by lush greenery, red hibiscus, and coconut palms, the hotel was the picture-perfect island escape.

I parked at the rear of the estate, and we unloaded our bags. A loud “woof” caught my attention, and I looked down to find a gray French bulldog standing in front me, head tilted to one side as if trying to figure out who I was and what I was doing here. Then he reared up and placed his paws on my right leg, giving my hand a lick.

“Coco, don’t jump on our guests!” An American voice yelled out. I turned to find myself face-to-face with a handsome pair of men, walking down the hotel steps, hand in hand. The taller man was broad, with black hair and glasses. His partner had dark brown hair and a beard.

“Rowan, I didn’t know you were dropping by!” the man with the glasses approached Rowan and hugged him.

“It was a last-minute decision, Jasper,” Rowan replied and turned to me. “I’m here with Andrew. Drew, I’d like you to meet Jasper and Xavier Kellsen. They own and manage this beautiful property.”


“Oh, yes, and most important of all, Coco.”

I bent down to pet Coco who continued to lick my hand and then ran around us in excited circles.

“Let’s get you checked in. We’re fully booked up this weekend, but the other fifteen guests are attending a party tonight in town, so it should be quiet.”

“Perfect. Drew why don’t you get us checked in, and I’ll bring our bags up?” Rowan asked.

“Alright.” I followed Xavier inside the surprisingly modern foyer while Rowan chatted with Jasper.

“How long have you and Rowan been together? Where did you meet?” Xavier smiled at me expectantly, and I struggled for a moment to figure out just how much I should say.

“It’s a long story, but it all started with Rowan spraying me with a hose full of very cold water and me, in turn, insulting him.”

Xavier laughed and handed me a tablet to sign in. “Well, that’s memorable. When people find out he’s a billionaire, they usually freak out and fawn all over him. I would’ve loved to have seen his face when you lambasted him.”

“He was highly amused at the whole thing. Once I found out who he was though, I was totally embarrassed. We… we became quick friends, and here we are.”

I signed in, and Xavier handed me two card keys. “He can’t take his eyes off you. You must be special.”

I blushed and changed the topic. “What about you? How long have you and Jasper owned this place? It’s gorgeous, by the way.”

Xavier motioned to the door and we walked through a large living area that glowed with tropical blue paint, modern furniture, and wall-to-wall windows. He led me over to glass patio doors that opened up to a deck and pool beyond.

“Thank you. We’ve worked hard to create a place that’s welcoming but allows guests the privacy to relax and de-stress. It’s our little piece of paradise.”

Xavier opened the patio doors, and we walked out onto the wooden deck. An infinity pool ran the whole length of the deck and overlooked the private beach. The surrounding palm trees and tropical flowers created a perfect Caribbean oasis.

“I met Jasper when I was here on vacation eight years ago and never left. It’s truly a gift to welcome people from all over the world and share our beautiful island with them. If there’s any recommendations you need for restaurants, bars, or excursions, let me know. I’m only too happy to ensure you guys have a great time.” We walked beside the pool and looked out at the pristine beach below.

“You’ll be able to enjoy the local fireworks and have champagne on the beach at midnight if you wish. Unless you’ve reserved a spot at one of the parties in town.”

“We didn’t book anything. I’d prefer a quiet night in, but we’ll see.” I paused. “Have you known Rowan a long time?”

“He and Jasper have been friends for decades. Their parents belong to the same clubs in Florida, where they spend the winter. When Jasper moved here a decade ago, Rowan helped him buy this property.”

“I hope he got a good deal.”

Xavier cocked his head and raised one eyebrow. “It’s Rowan. What do you think?”