Page 38 of Oh Buoy

Rafe:You’re so fucking screwed.

Rowan:I hope so.

Dylan:and what happens after that?

Rowan:then it’s over. NP.

Dylan:what if you don’t get it all out of your system?

Rowan:I’ve rarely had interest beyond 72 hours.

Dylan:rename your ship the Titanic because the iceberg is right ahead…

Rowan:dramatic much?

Rafe:I agree with Dylan, rename the ship. And get a new captain while you’re at it, one who doesn’t scowl and isn’t offended by normal people enjoying themselves.


Rowan:don’t ask. Rafe and the captain crossed swords at Christmas.

Rafe:I wouldn’t let my sword anywhere near that man. He doesn’t deserve it. I bet he has a tiny sword.

Rowan:well, this has been strange. I have to get ready for my three-day sexathon.bye

Dylan:I hope you know what you’re doing.

Rafe:the best gifts are the unexpected ones.

Rowan:OMG Rafe,instead of romance novels, try your hand at greeting cards.

Rafe: ??????

Throwing my phone on the bed, I put the conversation and the concern of my friends and family out of my head. I had a three-day adventure awaiting, and I was going to enjoy every fucking second of it. I did a final review of my bag, threw in my laptop and my headphones.

Then it hit me that tomorrow was New Year’s Eve. An opportunity for a midnight kiss and to celebrate new beginnings. I’d get the kiss I wanted from the man I wanted. And the new beginning? That I had yet to figure out.



I couldn’t sleep. I was way too excited, so I read and did my best to nap, but that was about it. I cleaned my bunk and organized my bag. When I was finally ready, I headed to the bridge deck around ten AM and stood watch over the gentle waves that lapped against the ship.

Charlie was preparing the tender, so I wished him good morning and headed down onto the dock, carefully stepping into the boat and grabbing a seat. My heart was racing out of control, and I took a few deep breaths. My bravado from yesterday had deserted me, and all the anxious thoughts about why this was a bad idea came rushing in again.

“Good morning.” Rowan’s voice jolted me from my freak out. I turned to find him staring at me intently, as if sensing my sudden unease. “Do you mind if I take the same tender to Saint Martin with you?” he asked politely, in deference to discretion and Charlie’s presence.

“Of course not,” I replied and moved over so he could sit down beside me. Rowan placed a panama hat on his head and added sunglasses.

This was not going the way I had anticipated. I was tense and unable to speak. Luckily Charlie chatted away with Rowan, and the ten-minute boat ride to the marina went quickly. The harbor was bustling with people preparing for New Year’s Eve celebrations. They’d even decorated all the docks and boats with black and gold streamers. The atmosphere was fun and celebratory, but I was neither. What if this was a big mistake? What if it ruined both of us?

I stepped out of the tender first, turned, and offered my hand to Rowan. As soon as our palms connected, my anxiety abated. My heart continued to beat double time, but the flutter of excitement replaced any lingering nervousness. I watched as the tender headed back to the yacht, and we stood on the dock, alone. Out of respect for his privacy, I reluctantly let go of his hand.

“I’m ready if you are, Drew,” Rowan murmured.

I nodded. “It’s a short walk to the car rental.” We strolled along the pier, our hands occasionally brushing against each other. I wanted so badly to hold his hand. Strange that I had to pull myself back. PDA was something I normally reserved for a relationship, but like everything else with Rowan, I was totally out of my depth. I decided that during the next three days, I would do what felt right in the moment. And in this moment, there was nothing I wanted more than to touch Rowan Carter. I took a chance and placed a gentle hand on his lower back. “And this time, I’m driving.”

“Alright but as long as we take turns. I’m vers.” He smirked as he took off his glasses. “But, fair warning, I am a bit of a control freak.”