Page 35 of Oh Buoy

“It hasn’t worked so far. I’ve never had so many cold showers in my life.”

“Who are you right now?” Rafe looked out over the water. “Oh shite.”

“What? What is it?” I asked, standing up and staring down at the dock. Charlie, Lisette, and George were all drying themselves off after a dip in the sea. I looked around but didn’t notice anything out of order.

“Nothing.” Rafe shook his head. “Let’s go for a swim.”

Andrew walked up to us and smiled, then slowly sat down on my lounger.

“I’ll keep it warm for you,” he murmured with a smirk. It was the first time in a week that he’d said something teasingly to me. My body ignited faster than the Christmas pudding.

* * *


It was a Christmas day to remember. A fantastic meal, great company, and perfect weather to swim and relax. I had a video call with my parents early in the morning to wish them a merry Christmas and later in the afternoon sent them pictures of the ship all decked out. Once it turned dark, everyone gathered inside the lounge to play cards and listen to Christmas music. I’d played a round of Euchre, but Rafe and I were no match for his dad and sister. Jamie would win at any cost, and Rebecca had a memory like no other. I’d finally had a chance to talk to Rebecca, who was on the introverted side except when she discussed her software designs.

“Right now, I’m designing an app to help people with auditory disabilities and then my next project is a series of apps focused on mental health; meditation, and cognitive behavior therapy, all with access to some of the top specialists from around the world.”

“I use an app for online therapy. It’s great given my schedule. I’m so glad to see more work being done in that area.” I told her.

“I utilize them as well. Providing secure, affordable access to health treatment to as many people as possible is my goal. Rowan funds several of my health-focused software designs. Venture capital is a necessity in my world, and I usually avoid calling in family for funding, but sometimes having a billionaire brother is a great help. Not that he advertises the fact that he assists me from time to time.” She smiled.

The more I learned about Rowan, the more questions I had. I was hungry to know everything.

The day was almost over, but I had yet to receive a Christmas wish. I wanted just one. Rowan’s kiss. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I should’ve kissed him in the sauna when I’d had the chance. I knew instinctively that it would be good. Better than good. I wasn’t one for romanticizing sexual chemistry, but I’d never felt so aware of any man in my entire life.

And watching him this week, interacting with his family, learning about him from those he was closest to, it made the wanting that much more intense. Every time he laughed, a swell of happiness bloomed in my chest. It should’ve frightened the shit out of me and yet, I wanted more. It was fucking painful to be near him and not to touch him, and now his taste was the only thing I could think about.

Waiting until every family and staff member had gone to their respective quarters, I put away the decorations and cleaned the lounge. Shutting off the lights, I stood at the patio doors, staring out at the vast darkness and the tiny lights that littered the island in the distance. Until I heard a creak from the floorboard behind me and turned around.

“Oh, I thought everyone had gone to bed. I was going to sit on the deck for a while. I hope I didn’t intrude,” Rowan whispered as he moved closer.

“Intrude? It’s your ship, remember? I was finishing the cleanup, but I’m done for the night.”I’m not done with you, though.

Rowan walked over to stand beside me, leaning on the glass door.

“Thank you for everything today and this past week. It’s been one of the best vacations I’ve had with my family in a long time,” Rowan smiled, and when those cute dimples popped out, I looked away.

“Your family are wonderful. Funny and wicked smart. Fuck, Rebecca’s brain is like, unreal. And Cara and Rafe are hilarious. They have so many stories about their jobs and their travels. Your mom is cute too. She showed me the mini photo album she travels with.”

“Please tell me it isn’t full of embarrassing childhood photos.”

“Don’t worry. Your gap tooth secret is safe with me.” I sighed. “I’ll miss them when they leave. They felt more like family than guests.”

“They really enjoyed meeting you as well. They insist I keep you on in some capacity,” Rowan murmured, and I reluctantly turned to face him.

“That won’t work. I have my own life to figure out.”

“I know,” Rowan stared at me, and the longing in his eyes mirrored my own.

“I’m going to bed. Have a good night, Rowan.”

“Wait, you forgot something.”

“What’s that?”

I turned back to him. He pointed to the decoration on the ceiling above us, and while I was distracted, he moved quickly, stepping into my space, gently pressing his lips to mine. The barest brush of his mouth set off a million tiny butterflies in my stomach and sparked the raging heat that ignited all the way through my body. And this was barely a taste. If we continued, we’d burn each other up and turn everything around us to ash.