Page 34 of Oh Buoy

I looked imploringly at Andrew, who successfully commandeered Rafe’s attention again and steered him away from George’s wrath.

“To get us into the Christmas spirit, Andrew kindly thought of a few Christmas games we can play round the table. First off, we’ll go through the alphabet, and each person will have five seconds to name a Christmas word that starts with their letter. If they can’t call out, they have to drink. You can choose your beverage of choice, it doesn’t have to be alcohol—it’s entirely your preference. But given recent antics, alcohol might be favorable… Okay, we’ll start at my left with Cassie. A. Go!”

He pointed at her, and she sat open-mouthed until she snapped her fingers. “Antler!”

“Da, you’re next.”

“B. Bah humbug!” his father yelled out.

“Good, next.”

“Christmas!” Charlie blurted out, and everyone groaned.

“Not fair! He got an easy one!” Rafe complained.

We continued with the game, Cara and I being the only two who had a difficult time coming up with words. Everyone teased us mercilessly, the writer and the billionaire, for our poor performances. Luckily the game was fast with twelve of us and only twenty-six letters in the alphabet, otherwise I’d be snogged by now. We played a few more games, which my competitive siblings won. To finish dinner, Lisette brought out the plum pudding and carefully set it aflame to the delight, and safety, of everyone.

After late lunch, we spread out on the various decks and took turns swimming and using the water toys. I stood alone on the sundeck, leaning against the railing and trying to keep my tongue from rolling out when I saw Andrew climb out of the water in his tiny speedo, his black hair slicked back, water dripping down his abs. Andrew turned around on the dock and bent over to pick up his towel, and I stifled a needy moan at those round cheeks on display just begging to be touched. And licked. And fucked. I was ravenous again and tightened the large towel around my waist to hide my reaction. A sharp elbow to my back reminded me that there were other people about, watching.

“Caught you,” Rafe whispered as he sauntered up beside me and winked. “Make your move tonight.”

“Are you listening to yourself? Andrew works for me!” I hissed. Luckily, we were the only two around and far enough away from curious ears.

Rafe flopped down out on a lounger and patted the one next to him. I followed suit.

“I know that. All he talks about is you. How smart you are, how funny, blah, blah, blah. Here I am, an in-demand fashion model, more beautiful than any other man on board, giving him all my attention, and he goes on about you. Cheeky nut.” Rafe smiled.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re missing the point. He’s my…”

“Yes, yes. I heard you,” Rafe interrupted and waved his hand about. “Please, I’ve shagged many of my bosses. Photographers, art directors, fashion designers. Too many to count. The last guy was...”

“Stop. TMI.”

“TMI?” Rafe asked as he lifted his sunglasses and stared at me. “Do you even know what that means? And what have you done with serious, all-work Rowan?”

“Hilarious. Why don’t you, Andrew, and Dylan go on tour with your Three Stooges act. Honestly, you’re a trio of comedians, poking fun at me.” I paused. “Didn’t you ever worry about the repercussions of sleeping with your boss? I have a duty to my employees to maintain a standard of behavior.”

“That’s way too many big words for me to comprehend all at once, Ro,” Rafe chuckled, then his gaze turned serious. “Look, I can only speak to my experience, but I’m not in your shoes, I don’t run a company. If you’re concerned, wait until he leaves this job, then make your move.”

“Dylan said something similar – instead of waiting, he suggested I fire him. But I can’t do that. Andrew needs this job for reasons that I can’t divulge, and he can’t go home until the end of this contract.” I paused and sighed. “He’s also reluctant for another more personal reason.”

Rafe nodded. “He told me about his vicious ex. What a twat.”

“Then you see that it’s pointless. Why ruin a good working relationship and a new friendship over a few rounds of earth-shattering sex?”


“Oh, please. Andrew and I practically vibrate every time we’re near each other.”

“Yes, you’re right. I think Cara is onto you now. She keeps taking notes whenever she speaks to Andrew.” Rafe leaned back, placing his hands behind his head.

“Fucking hell.”

“I know. I love her, but she’s very nosy.”

“Not that.” I shook my head as my wet dream came to life before my eyes. “Andrew is walking this way. Oh God, I think I’m having a heart attack again.”

“Stop being so dramatic. Go take a plunge in the water and cool down.”