Page 74 of Sin with Me

“We are.” He gives my hand a squeeze back. “The Suppatos, they’re my family. They used to be all I had.” He smiles. “But now I’ve got you.”

His family?

“What about your parents?” He keeps talking about family, and I can’t help but wonder about his own.

“They died.” His answer is calculated, rehearsed, as if he’s practiced saying it a million times.

I know he can see the color fall from my face. I remember how I felt when my grandma died. I was alone. If it hadn’t been for Brynn, I would’ve been completely lost. Cal is Jaxon’s Brynn. That’s it. I have to fix this. I can’t let Cal be angry with Jaxon over something that has nothing to do with him.

“Oh, Jaxon, I’m so sorry.”

“It happened when I was young. I barely even remember them,” he says, his voice as far away as his thoughts. He clears his throat and sits up straight. “Look Makenna, I really am sorry,” he starts, and I interrupt him again.

“It’s okay. Really.”

“No. I need to say this.” He rises to his feet, standing in front of me. His voice is desperate, determined. There’s a hint of authority behind it that I’ve never heard from him before. “I didn’t fuck her. It wasn’t what you thought.”

We don’t need to do this. I’ve come to terms with what happened. I don’t need an explanation.

I get up and stand next to him. “Jaxon, it’s fine.”

“It’s not fine. I’m not here asking for another chance. I know where I stand with that. But I couldn’t live with myself knowing you thought I’d done something like that—something that fucked up. I made a mistake, yeah. I had a weak moment. We kissed. But that’s it. I swear. I know it doesn’t change anything. But I had to let you know. You deserved to know.”

“We both made mistakes. I tried to force myself to do something I obviously wasn’t ready to do. And I dragged you into it. I’m the one who should be sorry.”

He grabs my hand, running his thumb across the top as he looks me in the eye. “I think you’re readier than you know.” He smiles and looks away for a moment before finding my eyes again. “Just not with me.”

Cal. He has to be talking about Cal. Is it that obvious?

“I should go,” he adds. “Thank you. For the meal. For the company. For being a good person… for being a good friend.”

“Anytime,” I answer, and I mean it. I feel closer to him now than I ever have. I want to help him. I want him to know he’s not alone. I want us to be the best of friends. “Goodnight, Jax.”

“Night, Makenna.”