Page 68 of Sin with Me

It’s been over a week since I’ve seen Jaxon thanks to life’s faithful way of keeping me busy, but not too busy to think about where I want to go with him. Or more like where I don’t want to go with him.

I tried. I tried really hard. But I don’t feel right about making him feel things about me that I’m not ready to feel about him.

I get to Suppato’s, ten minutes before closing, not surprised to find the parking lot mostly empty. As I’m approaching the entrance, I spot two men around the corner of the building, and my adrenaline immediately kicks into high gear. Fear rushes through me, making it feel like I have to pee. It’s crazy how our bladder processes fear, like the moments before getting on a rollercoaster or the stuff that makes people piss their pants when they have a gun held to their head. These men are not friendly. Even through the darkness I feel the heat of their words. I thank God when the silhouettes disappear the moment they notice me.

Jaxon’s not in his usual spot at the bar when I walk in, and I wonder if I’ve gotten his night off mixed up. A couple of servers stand at the bar waiting for their tips, so I check the kitchen to see if he may be in there. No such luck. He’s probably in Carlos’s office.

My bladder screams at me again as I walk past the women’s restroom, so I try the door but it’s locked.

I’m about five seconds away from doing the pee-pee dance when I become immediately aware of Cal’s presence.

“Everything alright?” he asks, his voice calm and collective as always. Everything about him is so… virile.

“Just waiting on the bathroom. Thanks.”

He steps in front of me and pulls on the handle.

I start to tell him about the two men outside. He should know what I saw. But when he turns to face me, I forget why I’m here. All I can think about is the way he’s looking at me right now. I’m completely intoxicated by his eyes.

“There’s a bathroom in my office,” he offers.

He has an office? As in, an actual office that isn’t his father’s?

“No, thanks.”

I’ve been alone in an office with him once. I know what kind of things happen in there. Almost as if he’s reading my mind, he smirks and takes a step forward.

And another.


Until I’m drowning in his scent.

“You should be extra careful locking up tonight,” I add, finally remembering my original train of thought, and making an effort to change the subject.

His brow creases and he looks at me with narrowed eyes. Right. He’s a grown man. And I’m telling him what to do. He doesn’t seem like the subordinate type anyway. I can only imagine what he’s thinking.

I clear my throat. Good grief, would whoever is in the bathroom just hurry up already? “Not that you’re not always careful… It’s just… I just…”

I just what? Saw two men outside? In the dark? Because it’s dark outside? Just shut up before you sound crazy.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He sighs, and it’s a rare thing, seeing him frustrated. “Don’t be difficult, Makenna. Just use my office.”

Back to the office subject.

He takes one more step forward, placing his intimidating frame directly in front of me. One more inch and our bodies will be touching.

This is about to get real. I should move. I should step aside, but I don’t want to. I want to breathe him in just one. more. time.

The bathroom door opens. Ava walks out, smiles obnoxiously at me, runs her gaze over Cal’s body, then continues down the hall.

I exhale. “Finally.”

Cal stands in front of me, refusing to move.

I look up at him then around his broad shoulders, indicating my need for the now unoccupied bathroom.

He nods his head in the direction of his office.