Page 65 of Sin with Me

It’s been almost two weeks since I’ve been to Suppato’s to see Jaxon, and I’m kinda missing him.

No, Makenna, you’re missing Cal.

I slide onto a barstool in front of where Jaxon is mixing a drink. “So, how are Sundays in September looking?”

He looks up and smiles.

I’m in my usual after work attire—navy blue scrubs and a messy bun. I’m sure he gets tired of seeing me like this, but my only free time lately is a few brief moments in between getting off work and going home to study. As a girlfriend, I probably rate a two on a scale of one to ten.

Did I just call myself his girlfriend?

I’m definitely not anyone’s girlfriend.

Every time I apologize to Jaxon, he just smiles and tells me not to worry about it.

Time to step up your game, Makenna.

“Apparently there’s a shortage of Sunday bartenders in this town. Cal has me working split shifts,” he answers.

I guess with Carlos in the hospital, Cal has taken over managing the restaurant.

“Well then, we’ll just have to do it another day.” I wink. “When’s your next day off?”

He raises one eyebrow and studies me for a moment.

“What? Can’t a girl ask for some alone time with her favorite bartender?”

“Thursday,” he says with a grin.

I pat the bar with my palm and stand up. “Thursday it is, then.”

“What about your job?”

I lean over the bar and place a quick kiss on his plump lips. “You handle your job. I’ll handle mine. Thursday. Six thirty. Don’t be late.”

Just as I turn to leave, a tall, leggy brunette that would put Brynn to shame, walks out from the hallway that leads to the back of the restaurant. She’s wearing Suppato’s signature black pants and black shirt and is currently double-wrapping the long strings of her apron around her tiny waist.

Jaxon watches as she walks past and flashes him a megawatt smile. Now I see why he hasn’t put up too much of a fight about getting Sundays off. Alarmingly, what bothers me more than that, is the sinking feeling in my stomach at the realization that Cal could be in Carlos’s office, which happens to be down that hallway. The one she just came from. The one I’m suddenly longing to march down. I already know he has no boundaries when it comes to mixing business with pleasure.

It’s been almost five months since he touched me for the first time, and he still haunts my dreams. I haven’t been seeing his groupies around much lately. I want to ask how he’s been. If he’s here. Maybe use the excuse that I’m checking on how Carlos is doing since his stroke. But I don’t find the courage. Instead I casually ask about the new girl.

“Who’s that?” I ask Jaxon once she’s passed us by.

“You mean Ava?” He nods his head in the direction in which she just walked. “New waitress. She just finished her orientation, and I’m the lucky guy who gets to spend the next week training her.”

“Yeah,” I mutter, “Lucky you.”

Jaxon helps me clear the dishes and load the dishwasher before we settle down on the sofa to have our favorite dessert of brownies and vanilla ice cream.

“You got a little something…” he says, eyeing my top lip.

I must have left behind a trace of the chocolate drizzle when I took my last bite. He watches my mouth as my tongue snakes out to lick it off. “Better?”

“Why don’t you let me get it,” he says as he leans forward and places his mouth over mine, his tongue still cool from the ice cream.

My fingers curl up into his thick blond hair. His hands grab my legs, first at my knees then slowly drifting up my thigh, easing my ice blue dress up as they go.

You can do this, Makenna. Just try.