Page 126 of Sin with Me

His hands find the edge of the tape.

“Baby, listen,” his voice is calm and confident. A stark contrast to what I am feeling inside. He smooths my hair with gentle, steady strokes.

“I’m going to have to get this off you. I need to hear your voice.”

I nod.

“I’m going to do it fast, okay? It won’t hurt as much that way.”

He’s explaining everything to me the way I would explain a surgical procedure to a nervous patient. My heart flutters at the compassionate display. I stifle a screech when the glue from the tape rips from my skin. That’s definitely going to leave a mark. I open my mouth and relish in the fresh air that fills my lungs.

“Callisto,” I finally say, my voice hoarse and scratchy.

I hear him breathe a sigh of relief.

“I can’t see you. So, I’m not able to cut you loose. And I’m ready to get you the fuck out of here, so I need your help.”

I nod my head then pause and nod again. He can’t see you, stupid girl.

“Okay,” I take a deep breath and concentrate, “Okay. What do I do? What do you need me to do?”

I’m trying not to sound as desperate as I feel, but I don’t want to spend another second in this chair. All I want is to feel his strong arms wrapped around my body. I flinch at the feel of his fingertips against my forearm.

“I need you to be my eyes. Tell me where to go. Tell me when I’m too close to your skin.”


I feel the cold steel of the blade against my flesh just below my elbow.

“You’re too high. Farther down.”

He slides the knife against my skin, it’s sharp edge yearning for a taste of my blood. I assume he feels the moment the blade reaches the thick twine because with a quick, single flick my left wrist is free.

I exhale the breath I’ve been holding and alternate extending and bending my fingers to help regain my circulation.

“Almost there, baby.”

“Callisto, hurry. What if someone finds us?”

“No one else is coming.”

“But what if—”

“No one is coming.”

The confidence in his voice gives me the strength to remain calm. His hand never leaves my body as he makes his way around to the other side. His fingers guide his way as he glides them back up my arm, across my shoulders, and down my right arm. If I hadn’t been kidnapped and shoved in this room, I would say it’s almost sensual. Hearing him. Smelling him. Feeling him but not seeing him.

The sharp edge of my redemption once again glides its way over my delicate skin. He must have memorized the other arm because I don’t have to guide him this time. The man is good. He’s like a freaking ninja. I would imagine he’s very good at… what he does. Probably one of the best. Although he’s the only one I’ve ever actually known.

Once both hands are free, he hands me the knife and lets me unbind my ankles. The moment I’m able, I jump from the chair and find my way into his arms. His security wraps arounds me like an old familiar blanket and once again I am home.

Callisto drapes an arm over my shoulder and holds me tight against his body as he leads me out of the garage and past burn number five. He uses his arm to pull my face into his chest as we walk by, so I don’t have to look at the lifeless man lying in a pool of blood.

We pass another garage bay full of expensive cars. In one corner of the bay is a makeshift tent. The front wall of the tent is a clear plastic curtain. There’s another car inside and it looks as if someone were in the middle of painting it.

Stolen cars.

I give Callisto a knowing look, and he holds me tighter as he leads us out of the warehouse.