Page 117 of Sin with Me

For such a beautiful woman, she has the mouth of a trucker.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, B.” And I mean it. I tried moving on, on my own. I tried it with Jaxon. I even tried hiding behind a bottle. Nothing has made me feel the way I feel when I’m with Cal. If I’m honest, I don’t even think I felt this way with Reid. With him it was always about us. Like there was no Makenna without Reid, and there was no Reid without Makenna. With Callisto, I know who I am. I know who I want to be. And while he compliments that woman, he doesn’t define her. And that is a powerful thing.

“Do you think we get a second chance?” I ask, “Do you think God does that? Gives us do-overs.”

She sighs into the receiver, and I can just picture the expression on her face in this moment. “Yes, Maks. I think He does. Or maybe…” She pauses.

“Maybe what?”

She takes a deep breath. “Maybe this was His plan all along.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. Sunday School lessons about a loving God, caring God, generous God, all come scurrying their way through my brain. Then why all the pain? Couldn’t there have been an easier way? A way in which Reid could still be alive? And just as happy as I am now? Why did he have to die for me to be happy? I was happy before. Why did there have to be a second plan? What was wrong with the first plan? If Reid were alive, where would Callisto be? Would I even know him like this? Or would I be travelling across the world chasing Reid’s dream instead of my own?

A life without Callisto. As much as Reid’s death hurt me, I don’t want to even imagine the pain of losing Cal.

I need to get home. I need to see him, touch him. Remind myself he’s real.

“Maybe it was,” I say, my voice cracking through the tears that fight their way from my eyes. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you.”

“I love you too, gorgeous.”

As soon as Callisto opens the door for me, I throw my arms around him. My eyes close tightly as I slip my hands beneath his shirt and clutch his back as if I’m afraid he’ll disappear if I don’t hold on tight enough. He stands completely still and lets me hold him like this. Like he understands exactly what I need to say without me ever having to speak a single word.

He lifts me off the ground and carries me through the living room, past the kitchen where I inhale the obvious scent of stir-fried veggies and freshly cooked rice, and into his bedroom.

He lays me on the bed and slowly begins to undress me.

“What about dinner? You already cooked,” I say as I lift my butt, so he can slip my panties off my hips.

He slides up the bed and hovers over me. Something about him being fully dressed while I am completely naked is thrilling. Like I am strictly here for him to admire, for him to worship.

“Priorities, baby. I need you. Just you. Right now.”

His mouth finds my sensitive nipple, and we both forget all about dinner.