Page 119 of Sin with Me

What the hell was I thinking? The guy held a knife to my side because he wants drugs. And I let him. Momentary lapse in judgement. But that’s over now. This is the kind of guy who stabbed Reid. He represents the man who stole everything from me.

Now I’m angry—angry that he saw me as weak and vulnerable and angry that I saw myself the same way.

I walk out the back door, ready to face him, ready to deal with whatever he might have planned. He’s leaning against the driver’s side door of my car watching me walk toward him.

Oh my God. No.

Parked on the other side of the dumpster is Callisto’s Range Rover.

Not again. I can’t do this again. Please don’t get out of the car.

I take out my phone to call him, but it’s too late. His car door opens then slams shut when he gets out.

The pill pusher jerks his head in Cal’s direction then quickly back at me.

“I thought I told you not to call anybody, you stupid cunt,” the man spits. He flicks open the knife he’s got in his hand and starts walking away from my car.

“I didn’t call him,” I say to him, desperation in my voice. Callisto walks toward me, and I panic. “Get back in the car, Cal. I’ll come see you later,” I yell, walking faster in hopes to intercept the pill pusher from heading in Callisto’s direction.

Get back in the fucking car, Callisto.

Pill Pusher’s eyes dart from me over to Cal, and my blood runs cold.

Callisto stands completely silent next to the dumpster, watching the entire interaction carefully. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, leaving himself completely unprepared for any kind of attack. His eyes never move from the drug dealer. It’s almost as if he’s daring the guy to do something. Does he have a death wish? The guy has a knife.

Don’t be a hero. I know how this ends. Please just get back in the goddamn car.

I’m steps away from my almost attacker when Callisto finally speaks.

“I believe you just called the lady a cunt. She expects an apology. Then you’ll be on your way,” he says, his voice surprisingly calm yet entirely intimidating.

The man stands frozen in place. His face grows totally pale in the moonlight, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s probably pissing himself. “Right. My apologies, ma’am,” he stammers, then he gives Cal a nod and hurries back to his SUV.

I want to scream. I want to cry. I want to roll myself into a ball and hide under a freaking blanket. The scene before me was dejavu. It was too real. My emotions are all over the place. Anger. Fear. Despair. I just watched the man I love die all over again. Only he didn’t. He didn’t even have to fight. There wasn’t even a confrontation.

So many realizations at once. My whole body is trembling, and I fight to get it together. I could have lost him. I was willing to put myself in the way to save him. Why? Why would I do that?

BecauseI love him.

“Makenna. Baby, where are you?” Callisto is speakingas though he’s been calling my name for hours. I know I was distracted, but I didn’t think I was that far gone.

“What? I’m sorry. I’m here. I just…” I just don’t know. That’s what.

I need to be alone in my own head, so I can sort all this out. My feelings for Callisto. The fact that I almost dismissed my integrity, my entire future, because of fear. But you didn’t. All the questions I have. It’s all a big fat jumble of emotions, and I need time to work them all out.

Callisto wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his chest. He holds my head in place and whispers into my hair. “It’s okay, baby. He’s gone. You’re okay.”

I know I’m okay. I know I’ve always felt okay when I’m with him. What I want to know is why.

“I think I just need to go home. Clear my head.” I take a step away from him, unable to look into his eyes, so I just stare off into the distance.

“Okay. We’ll leave my car here, and I can drive you,” he says and for the first time ever, I catch a hint of uncertainty in his voice. “We’ll get those cuts cleaned up, and I’ll take care of you.”

I shake my head, close my eyes, and take a deep breath.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” I say as I start to move toward my car. He grabs my hand and stops me from going further.

“Makenna, you’re bleeding, and I really don’t think you should be alone right now.”