"No, let me talk, okay?" He turned and looked straight into me. I nodded in agreement and kept quiet to let him speak.

"I made a lot of mistakes in my short life so far. One of them was going into that bar that day with my family."

"Your family?" I tried to sound surprised.

"My younger sister and my father," he bowed his head and spoke nearly in whispers. I liked how his baritone sounded in those lowered decibels.

"Oh my God, Alessandro," my voice wavered.

"I was the only survivor, you know that well, and I spiraled into a web of depression and anxiety for the future. But you were there, you know. I didn't know where I really was for days. I remember taking a pistol and shoving it up my throat. The only reason I'm alive today is because the gun was, by some stroke of luck, unloaded that day. After that, I didn't have the balls to do it again."

I instantly teared up, not knowing what to say or even think. Alessandro was suicidal. Although he was acting tough, he would actually have turned up dead, if it wasn’t for a stroke of luck.

"But you were there, you know. I couldn't just leave you...with the house...with my game progress." We both shared a laugh.

"And then, I did something I shouldn't have but I'm grateful I did. I fell in love with you. No matter how hard I try to ignore it, it's still lodged somewhere in here, Sienna. My love for you is something that confused me more than calculating the probability of losing two of your most prized people on earth. We both lost everything that day, Sienna." He held both my hands. "And in that nature's beautiful design, we found ourselves."

"And you pushed me away Alessandro," I sniffed. The crying I was doing already left me with a runny nose.

"If you know why I hurried you out that day, you may not want to be near me ever again." His eyes burned deep into mine and they said exactly what he just said, but with a very intense exclamation.

I ignored his threat and implored him further. "Just tell me, Alessandro. I need to know why such a beautiful thing could've ended so tragically without any genuine reason other than the fact that I was a poor gambling drunk."

He looked away from me and kept his gaze to the floor. "Revenge." He then brought his gaze up to meet my eyes when I gasped. "The only reason I had lost count of the men I killed after the death of my family was because I never kept a count of the people I killed in retribution for their deaths. Both offense and defense. That's why I needed you away from me. The people who came to the house the very next day were there, not because they wanted to kill me, but because I had lured them."

I nodded. Nothing to be said there. Just shock. He wasn't fighting for his life that day. He was fighting for his sanity...

Heh. Did he know he was weaponizing me with information I needed to get him off my back if he ever tried any self-righteous talk?

"Never because I didn't love you and for the last time," he held my face now. "... you're not a poor gambling drunk. You're a strong woman that happened to be going through more than what most women go through. I never once thought of it as a flaw. I always thought of it as a strength."

Still at a loss for words, all I did was nod.

"I love you, Sienna. And from this point on, I would do everything in my power to make you mine. You deserve only the bestmia cara tigreand the best, I will give as far as there is still blood flowing through my veins."

He had been inching closer to my face every few words he spoke and with his final words, he sealed them with a deep heartwarming kiss. One that I welcomed shamelessly, drowning in my own pool of emotions.

Chapter 29

I didn't know how much time had passed since our mouths were locked. But needless to say, I couldn't get enough. The kiss was long and wet. Saliva dripped from both sides of my mouth, down my chin, and on my exposed chest. We were on the bed. Kneeling face to face. Kissing. Just like that!

We made sloppy, undiluted raw sounds as our hands explored everywhere. He put one on my left breast, massaging my small breasts and pinching my extra sensitive nipples making me produce even more lustful moans. His other hand was uncladding me. He took off my skirt and made me shuffle to get it all the way off. Instead of doing the same to my soaked underwear, he just plain tore it off.

"Sensitive as ever my tigre," he uttered gutturally. I brought my face back to his and kissed him, perceiving and tasting traces ofmyself where he had rubbed my underwear. All the while, my hands were on his crotch.

I missed him inside me.His beautiful girth would wrap around me so...

I had to stop thinking about it to help keep myself from orgasming too early.It had been so damn long.

He brought his hands to my warm clit and began stroking it.


He inserted his middle finger into me and began fucking me with it. All I could do was hold on to his cock and moan. He then added his index finger, stretching me a little more. My spasms were getting uncontrollable. His ring finger joined the party, opening me even further. He was tracing, with fluid expertise, the slightly rougher part of my walls. My special spot.

"Ohh...for fuck's sake...just..." I couldn't complete my sentence. The pleasure was clouding my brain's ability to speak.

"Just what, tigre..." he purred into my ear and sucked on it, chomping it lightly, delving me further into my pleasure.