"Look, mama! A man!" she squeaked triumphantly for some reason as we casually closed in on a dark brooding figure. It wasn't unusual for us to come across people this early on my way to work. They too had their own jobs they needed to be early to.

"Yes, baby. A man."

"Yeah, baby..." she repeated after me and stuck her fingers in her mouth. I was about to bend down to pry her fingers out her mouth when something caught my attention. It was the man that Artemis made mention of earlier. He was getting nearer and more recognizable as he approached.

The curly-wavy hair with a pristine do over. Sharp hairless jaw. No.

I didn't want to creep out a complete stranger, so I just bent down to Artemis when I heard my name drawn out in a familiar Italian accent. I paused as if controlled by a remote and kept my eyes on Artemis. She seemed amused by her mom's still statue and she decided to finger paint mommy with her spittle coated hand. Shaking from the feeling of initial shock, I moved my gaze from a pair of cute silver eyes to a matching pair of handsome ones.

"Alessandro," I nodded, mustering every single ounce of composure I could get within myself. It was everything I could do to stop myself from walking away.

Wait... who am I kidding?

I dragged Artemis along and began trotting away from him when he grabbed my hand and held me in place. I tried to wiggle free, but his hold was strong.What was it with Alessandro's bloodline and their strong, vice-like grips?

"I'm sorry; it's just a pleasure to see you again. Don't run away," he pleaded.

"I'm not running. I greeted you, did I not?" Now I had to take a longer look at him. Longer meant deeper. Everything came back in a sweep. The emotions, the lust, the satisfaction, the love...the hurt...the pain.

He nodded in response to my question and asked. "How have you been?"

"Wonderful, really. The money you gave me really helped, you know, put myself back together from the death of my father... got a new job in a restaurant..."

"I thought of you for a job as a babysitter." He looked at the child staring back at him, mumbling gibberish.

"Well, that's actually my child. I'm taking her to daycare," I explained and held Artemis's hand tighter and began leading her away. "...and we're in quite a hurry. See you around!"

"Hmmmm," he hummed after I retreated.

A lot of things hadn't changed about him. For one, he still remained clean shaven. I don't know whether his hairless face was natural, and he just preferred it so. His hair was literally in the same hairstyle I saw last time. The only thing that seemed to be different was the fact that he seemed to have added more muscle on himself. Apart from that, even the single word grunts and responses felt very'yesterday'of him. I left him standing there and continued my journey with my daughter, but the next second, he was in front of me, scrutinizing the baby girl I now carried in my arms.

"Didn't think you'd marry so fast," he thought out loud and reached out to touch the girl. All the while, Artemis had her head buried into the crane of my neck. Eventually when she raised her head up and gave Alessandro a once over, he stepped back with wide eyes and stepped closer again.

"What the fuck?" He held her face and peered into her eyes. She smiled at him and gave him an unsure pat on the head.

"How'd this happen?" he asked with something more than realization on his face.

"What happened?" I played dumb and turned my baby girl away from his reach.

"Don't play dumb with me, Sienna. There's no denying she's mine," he said with full assurance. The kind I couldn't even start to deny

Shit, shit, shit.

Chapter 14

There were a lot of things I began to regret once Alessandro went berserk.

Why didn't I deny his guess immediately? Why did I have to hesitate and confirm his suspicion?

Why did I take this path to the daycare today? We usually took an alternate path.

Why! On earth...did I not wake up earlier?

Why did I drink too much last night?

"Why didn't you tell me?" he roared. I watched as the veins on his neck swelled with boiling blood, making me wish they'd pop and he'd just...die. Or do I pop them myself?

"Sienna, this is my child! Do you know what that means? Do you have even the slightest inkling of what risks you've put yourself through these past years?"