"What's wrong?" I was concerned.

"You." He answered me. "You're what’s wrong with me Sienna."

He didn't give me time to answer before his lips brushed against mine softly. My eyes remained open as my insides melted. I was frozen in time, but the only thing that moved was my lips. At some point, after our lips grew bored of the lip dance, our tongues took over. That was where the dominance came in. His tongue was demanding, draining all of the saliva from my mouth, and sloping me out. He explored everywhere and drew moans from my throat. When I moaned, he tightened his grip on my waist and deepened his kiss.

When he pulled out, sensing that I was out of breath, I was too flustered to even look at him.

"Definitely better than I expected," he growled. He sounded like he wanted more, but he held it in, probably for my benefit. He held my face and brought them to look at his.

"I could get used to this," he grinned. I hesitated for a while before I dove into him again, colliding our lips one more time this time, futility taking the lead.

Chapter 9

You’d expect me to begin avoiding Alessandro after the mild moment of carnal bliss we shared, but after that, everything pretty much went back to normal.

Well, not particularly normal...I mean things did change a little...

Okay...a lot.

First, I always wanted any free time I had to be spent around him. It seemed he wanted it too. Every time I was back from work, he was always there. We'd talk, play video games, cook, eat, and finally kiss. Everything about it was messing my head up. It seemed too good to be true. As time went on, my hands began to gain more courage touching him in places I only fantasized about some days ago.

At the same time, it wasn’t easy to keep it just physical. Everything was starting to get involved... and I meant everything. The little cracks on my dam had turned to semi large craters and the liquids of emotion that oozed weren't negligible anymore. I knew that on Friday, when I took a trip to Fauxwood, seeing as Alessandro would be at work, I thought it had been a while since I loosened myself up a little bit. I also could use a little indulgence in times like this. I had been taking some shots of liquor every now and then and the most I had gotten was slightly tipsy, but today, I wanted something more than just tipsy.

Once getting into the club, I headed straight for the bar and tapped an unknowing Carlos who had the brightest smile on when he saw my face.

"Ah! Look who it is! Sienna!" he exclaimed. "Everyone's missed you around here." He stretched himself to give me a tight arm shake from over the counter.

"Who is everyone?" I laughed.

"Well...mostly me," he shrugged. "But then, I'm the only constant thing in this place. Doesn't that translate to everyone?"

I chuckled at his explanation. He was right. "So good to see you, my man!" I squeezed his arm.

Without hesitation, he poured me a shot of'you know what'and we started catching up. Funny how absence really does make the heart grow fonder. We talked more now than we probably didin a month. I told him about how the incident of the last night I had here affected me, and he felt deeply sorry for me. After explaining that I was fine and telling him about Alessandro, his expression shifted to something cryptic and all he told me was.

"You be careful with young rich folks in New York, eh."

"I know," I smiled at his concern. "But it's family money he says, and I believe him."

"Family money. Heh, not the kind of family you think, I'm sure. Not to worry though. As long as he's been living alone all this while, I don't think he plans to involve you...so..."

"Involve me in what?" I raised a brow.

"Better not say for my own sake. Then again, I might be wrong," he shrugged and smiled before turning to take an order.

I took one good look at the direction of the casino and felt myself float out of the seat. "Hey, Carlos? I'll be back for more of those Bourbons, okay?"

He must have seen where my eyes were because he snickered and called out after me. "Make some big money back ehh...or lose some!"

Letting out some loose chuckles at his comment, I continued down the wide aisle into the gambling room. As a 'professional' - I brag - gambler, I am self-trained to expect anything. A horribleturnover, loose ends that leads to favorable gains...someone's loot or bid falling to the ground without him/her noticing...the person you've been pretty intimate with in a betting pool, playing roulette with a big breasted, half naked blonde on his lap.Hold on....

"Bit of a zesty night huh gentlemen!" I announced after Alessandro didn't hear me clear my throat. He stared straight into my eyes and ordered me out...with his eyes! I don't know how I understood that, but I was too angry to care.

"I got the next round," I called, ignoring him completely.

"This is not a betting round,cagna. We own the place for the night," a man in his forties drawled with a concentrated Italian accent.

“Okay, then.” I scanned the men and looked for the most tolerable looking one. Aha! I saw a young boy among them, staring at me with wide eyes, obviously not too used to this type of crowd. Maybe he was the son of one of the men who took him on a field trip.Horrible fathers.