What. The. Fuck? I had been bracing myself for anger, for yelling and crying, and "I hate You"Not this. Not her wanting to meet him immediately.
"Aren't you angry with me?" I was so confused. My heart shattered, mostly because I just broke my daughter's heart, but she seemed calm and cool.
"Why should I be angry? Did he want to see me before?" This a very valid question, mature for her age, but valid.
"Well, no. He didn't know about you until my mother died." I was transparent with her. Aine might be eleven, but she understood a lot more than most people would give her credit for.
"When I found out I was pregnant with you, we were both already in college. I was in Arizona, and he was in San Diego. We had a big fight and stopped speaking to each other, and I never saw him again." That was the truth, minus a few details. Details that my mature, yet still a child, daughter didn't need at this time.
"It's okay mom, I promise." Aine came around the table to hug me. I hadn't realized I was crying. This was something I was trying to avoid. She was too mature for her early age.
I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her close to me. My sweet little ladybug was a young woman, or she was growing into one at least. It was time for her to meet her father, and for me to answer for my mistakes.
GreatShakeswasrightdown the street from my hotel. Sin and Aine hadn't arrived yet, so I ordered for us. It had been a long time since Sin and I got milkshakes, and this place had flavor combinations I never dreamed of, so I hoped I ordered right. I got two blueberry shakes. One for me, and hopefully one for Aine, and the cherry almond shake because I remembered Sin loving cherry-flavored things growing up.
Each shake came with a miniature donut over the straw. The pastries were a cute touch. I'd never seen a shop like this before. Hell, walking down the road, I passed a lot of quirky shops I never expected to find. I understood why Sinclair loved living here.
I sighed. I stared at my watch. She surprised me when I got the call asking to meet at this address. I figured she would want to wait another day or two. Honestly, I expected her to avoid this meeting at all costs. I figured she'd run away with Aine before she agreed to let Aine meet me.
I think that would have broken me beyond repair. I loved Sin, but if I was being honest with myself, she ran more than Wile E. Coyote chasing the roadrunner.
"Is that him?" I looked up to find a younger, blue-eyed version of my mother pointing at me.
Sinclair stood in front of her protectively. Sin was an amazing mother, it was obvious. She put her daughter first from the moment she found out she was pregnant. Even if it meant hurting herself and others. Aine always came first. I respected her for that.
I stood up and waved them over. "I ordered shakes for us."
The two of them sat down in front of their shakes. God, I hope they liked the choices. Aine seemed enthused about not having to wait for her shake to be made.
"Is this blueberry? The blueberry is my favorite!" She was definitely excited. "It is blueberry!" She said joyfully after taking a drink.
"It's my favorite too." I smiled at her, my daughter. I was her father, and I missed so much of her life. I tried hard not to let the emotions overwhelm me. I was angry, hurt too, but I still loved Sinclair, and worried she would run again.
"I'm Kai." I had no idea what to say to her.
"I know. You're my dad. Mom told me about you." Her tone and attitude came off so very matter-of fact, she didn't seem upset or angry. She had this air of confidence that baffled me. Aine might look like me, but she was, without a doubt Sin's daughter through and through.
I laughed. As a family physician, many of my patients were children. But something told me, I’d never met a kid like Aine... Carter? Grant?
The realization hurt. I knew absolutely nothing about her. Sin didn't bother to tell me a single detail. Hell, I discovered I was a father by forcing the confession from Sinclair.
I let out a frustrated breath. I turned to Sin. She didn't curl into herself like she tended to do when she felt vulnerable, but her gaze moved everywhere except in my direction. A complete one-eighty from last night.
"Aine, honey, tell me about yourself. I'm so sorry, I don't know a lot about you."
"Well, I love blueberry milkshakes and I love watching old movies with mom and Aunt Dani. That's Mom's best friend."
I lifted a brow and glanced at Sin, who still refused to face me. What the fuck Sinclair? I thought as Aine continued to tell me about herself. "Mom said she named me after the strongest woman she had in her life. Did you know them?" Her infectious smile hit the center of my heart.
"I do. One of them is my mom. Her name is Aine too." Aine told me how she spoke to my mom over the phone. She said she was excited to meet her someday, and wanted me to meet her best friend Riley, and her Aunt Dani.
"Her birthday is January thirtieth." Sin randomly said softly, looking down at her untouched milkshake.
Cracks formed in my heart. Watching Sin like this, broken and retreating into herself made me hate myself for being partly responsible for her pain. I had every right to be hurt and angry, but I had no fix for whatever happened in my sweet Sins mind. I could always fix things for her, and be there, except for the past twelve years.