Page 92 of Broken

“It’s okay. He isn’t going to take you anywhere you don’t want to go. We won’t let him.” I comforted Millie. The poor girl looked tortured and scared. I recognized the fear that was written across her features. I had that same fear so many times in my childhood.

“The asshole's lucky it was just a drink I poured over his head.” Tess laughed. That was epic.

We were just about to walk inside the bar when a car came screeching to a stop in the parking lot. I had a sinking feeling about who the driver was, and what he was there for.

“Does he know you work here part-time?” I asked Millie, guiding her inside.

She nodded her confirmation. “When I first moved up here, I was still talking to his sister. I told her everything. I had no idea she would tell him.”

She let out a long breath and went towards the back of the bar. We followed behind, looking for the guys. “I’m so sorry to bring all this on all of you. It was supposed to be a fun night and I ruined it.”

“Babes, it’s not your fault. It’s his and his toxic aggression.” Mia said, not hiding her disdain. “I’m going to go check the office for the guys.”

Mia walked back towards the office as Douchebag came barreling into the bar. He was all anger and rage bottled up in an average-sized body. I half expected him to rip his shirt off and turn green and scream ‘Hulk smash’ while breaking things.

He wasn’t ugly, but he wasn’t attractive either. The man was of average height, probably somewhere close to five-ten. He was stocky and had curly dark brown hair. Thankfully, we noticed him before he noticed us because it gave Millie the chance to go into the office before he could see her.

“Millie.” He yelled, looking around for her.

“She isn’t here,” Tess called from our spot at the booth.

We needed to get the guy out of here. Customers were watching. It was going to be bad for Callum's business if this guy started anything in the bar.

“You’re the one who poured beer on my head.” He bellowed. I couldn’t help the half snort and half laugh that came out. He was so animated and dramatic, a part of me wondered if he was going for an

Oscar nomination or if he was high on something.

“Where is she?” He was suddenly polite, almost friendly. It was like a switch was flipped in his brain once he realized he was in public.

“You need to leave. You’re not welcome here.” My voice was clear and strong. I’d never felt so brave in my life.

“Look, honey. I’m just here for Millie. She hasn’t been home in a while, and I miss her.” His voice was saccharine sweet as he talked to me. The man made my skin crawl. He was smarmy and excessively kind as he talked to me.

“I don’t know where she went. We got here and she left.” I lied to him. I refused to avert my eyes from his leering stare.

“You’re pretty.” His eyes didn’t seem to be able to focus on one place. He kept looking around. He reminded me of my father when he was high and looking for something to take his anger out on.

Fuck. My stomach dropped. It made a lot of sense, the mad was crazed, trying to hold it together for the sake of a good appearance. I’m sure anyone else, anyone who grew up in a normal healthy environment would not even notice the little details, but I did.

“Like I said, she isn’t here, and you need to go.” I stood my ground. My back was straight, and my head held high. I didn’t see Millie's ex-boyfriend; I saw my father. I saw seventeen years of abuse and neglect. I saw a man who cared more about his own instant gratification than he did about the people, the child who depended on him.

I wasn’t going to let my ghosts hurt anyone else I loved. I was tired of running and hiding. I wanted a family; I deserved a family.

“Bullshit.” He yelled in my face, spittle spraying from his thin lips. There it was, that crack, the facade hiding the monster was fading. “Just tell me where she is, God Damn it.”

“She told you, Millie. Isn’t. Here. Now, get the fuck out.” Tess interrupted. I was surprised it took her this long to say something. It couldn’t have been easy to hold herself back as she did.

“Stay the fuck out of this.” He pointed a grimy finger at Tess. She was about to take a step closer to him when a strong hand wrapped around her arm.

“Tess, Sinclair. Is there a problem here?” Callum's voice was calm, as he took control of the situation.

“No problem. This gentleman,” I swallowed. The word almost hurt coming out of my mouth. This guy was anything but that. “He was just leaving.”

Kai wasn’t far behind his brother. He came up beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, placing a light kiss on my temple.

“I’m not leaving until Millie comes out from wherever she’s hiding. I’m taking her home.” He growled. “Millie, get your fucking ass out here. I’m done playing around.”

I was shaking. All I could think of was the last night I saw Adam. He was yelling to my father, calling me a whore, calling him out for the things he did to me.