I planned to go to Kais's office after coffee for an ultrasound. We were going to try to find out the baby's due date. I couldn't be more than three weeks along, but I would like to see the little thing growing inside me.
We agreed to wait to tell anyone until we made it past the risk of miscarriage. Kais's mother agreed with us and promised to keep our secret. Which meant, I would not be telling Mia today. She would be hurt at first when she did find out, but she'd understand later on.
Thedinerwasquiet.It was that transition time between the breakfast and lunch rushes. I sat in the booth next to Mia, her head resting on my shoulder. Across from us sat Tess and Millie.
"I still don't understand why you came up here so soon, Sinclair." Tess rolled her eyes, not happy with the reason I gave Mia last night. Tess could always see through my bullshit, and she didn't hesitate to call me out.
"Tess, can't you be glad she's here?" Mia asked her sister.
Tess gave both of us a hard look. "No, actually I can't. The last time she was here, she swore she would never bring Aine here. Only something serious would bring them home."
Fuck. Of course, Tess would figure me out quickly. She never missed a thing, even when we were kids. She would know when Mia and I did something their parents wouldn't approve of, which was rare. Daisy and Orion were open-minded about most of the things we did growing up.
But if we had secrets, we didn't want them to know, Tess would figure them out and hold them against us until she got her way.
Millie came to my defense. "I'm sure when Sinclair is ready to talk, she will. For now, let's just enjoy her visit."
"Fine, but you're not giving me some shit excuse to get out of going out drinking with us tonight." Tess smiled. She might be giving me a hard time, but she was glad I came home.
"Fine. But I'm DD. I refuse to walk this town and its two small bars with you three tonight." If I volunteered to be Designated Driver, I had an excuse for not drinking with them.
Mia clapped her hands and laughed happily. "Then it's settled. Babes, you pick us up at my place after dinner."
"Mind if I meet you at Cal's house?" Millie asked. We gave her a questioning glance. It was no secret how Callum felt about Millie.
Millies's feelings for Cal, which was the million-dollar question.
When I first met her, Kai told me she put Cal in the friend zoned almost immediately, but something about the way she watched him, the way she sought him out for comfort and support made me wonder about her true feelings.
"Of course. If you want, I can pick you up after I meet Kai at his office." I offered. "Just text me your address."
"What are you meeting Kai for?" Tess asked. Damn, she was nosey today.
"Maybe we plan to do a little doctor-patient role play and I'm going in for a checkup," I smirked. Doctor role-play sounded like fun. I closed my eyes and bit my lip imagining the possibilities.
Before I could open them again, something papery and small hit my chest and fell into my lap. I looked down and found a white sugar packet.
"You're such a perv." Tess laughed, throwing another packet at me.
I grinned, at least I was getting laid. I didn't say it out loud, I didn't want to hurt Tess. Mia told me she was still upset over the failed flirtations with Danielle. I loved Danielle, but she and I definitely needed to talk when I saw her again.
Mia cleared her throat. "Well, ladies I'd love to sit here all day, but I do have a store to run." She kissed my cheek and nudged me out of the
booth. "Babes, I'll see you tonight. Love you."
"Love you too," I said as she left the diner.
"I should go too. Millie, text me." I turned to Tess. "Try not to get into too much trouble without me, okay?" I laughed when Tess flipped me off and blew me a kiss. I left the two of them behind; She knew I was teasing her, and I loved her as much as I loved Mia.
Theultrasoundwentwell,I was about three weeks along like we thought. We didn't have time for some kinky role-play, but I did mention it to Kai, and the heat in his stare promised things to come.