Sensing my apprehension, Kai stopped. He left me cold and empty, and all he was doing was kissing my belly and kneading my tits. Fuck!
"Hey. Look at me. It's okay. If you're worried about anything, I'm prepared." He laughed and pulled out the telltale square foil of a condom from the pocket of his scrubs as he dragged them the rest of the way down his thighs.
"Fucking Boy Scout." My laugh cut off when he smashed his lips into mine.
His hand found the now-soaked, bare lips between my thighs. With a deep moan, Kai Chase caressed them, spreading my wetness from my center up to my clit and back.
"Kai" My moan came out more like a whimper. I forgot when the last time I had been touched so passionately, so delicately. My insides were on fire, burning bright with a need so fierce that I was certain I was going to implode, right here, on this bed.
I was unaware he pulled the condom out of the wrapper until his hand pushed between us as he rolled the slick barrier over his rock-hard cock. His other hand kept his body steady over mine.
Kai grazed the opening of my pussy with the tip of his sheathed cock to lube up the condom a little more, but I needed him, my body was working on its own, fueling my need and desire. The darkness inside me drove my body forward in search of light and warmth, and I thrust my hips up to meet his.
The second he entered me; it was like time stood still. That single moment, the connection between us, the lack of human separation, no matter what happened next, there was no going back from this point.
Our eyes locked as he slowly began to move, adjusting himself between my legs so that our limbs were almost braided together.
With a deep breath, he began to slide back and forth, his hard cock nestled between my lips, the friction sending sparks from my core to my heart. Each thrust, each time he pushed in and pulled back, a stab at the darkness inside me. He was filling me with his light. his amazing, beautiful light, slaying my demons from the inside.
Not once did Kai take his eyes from my face. His blue stare glowed brightly in the dim light of the bedroom. He was my anchor, my light in the darkness. Kai was the oxygen I needed to breathe, and I'd been without him for so long.
He slid one hand between us and put the lightest bit of pressure on my clit with his thumb. It was firm, but just soft enough, and my body exploded.
The orgasm was like nothing I felt before. My legs wrapped tightly around his waist, bringing his hand tighter against me as I ground my pelvis into him, needy. So, fucking needy. My body was starving and the orgasm he was milking from my clit with his thumb and through my core with his cock.
With a moan that sounded a lot like my name, Kai stilled, and he shuddered. The pulsing release of his orgasm made me shudder, unleashing another wave of light and fire inside me. We both rode the orgasm out breathlessly, watching each other as if one of us would disappear if the other looked away.
Welaythere,ineach other's arms, a tangled mess of sex and sweat. I looked out the window by the bed, the stars shining their light through the dark curtain of space. Tiny tears rolled out of the corner of my eyes and down my cheek onto the pillow.
Nothing was going to be the same after this, no coming back from tonight for either of us. There would be no going home at the end of this and forgetting I ever came back. I already promised Mia and Tess, I wouldn't push them out anymore.
The little broken, dark parts of me healed and filled with light every second we lay here together. I wanted to imagine a happily ever after for us. Where we rode off into the sunset together, with Aine in the back seat. A happy little family, no darkness, no demons chasing us. No ghosts to haunt the shadows.
Not me. I was darkness, demons, and ghosts in shadows. The only thing that kept them from Aine for all these years was the fact that I kept everyone away.
Away from me, so I wouldn't hurt them, and away from her, so she would never experience the pain I cause everyone I love. Because of my own selfishness, because I was starved of love, needy for the touch of another person, I tossed my daughter into the flames of my own personal hell.
I sat up and sighed. I never wanted this to end. The second we stepped got off this bed we had to go back to the real world. We had to go back to him being distant, afraid to get hurt. I had to go back to being selfish and heartless, only caring about myself, because that was the only way he would let me go.
As if Kai sensed my fight or flight response kick in, He sat up and grabbed onto my wrist. "Hey. Sin, look at me, baby. Everything's okay." he held my face gently between his hands. Love shone so brightly in his eyes, it took my breath away, Love tainted by a hint of sadness. "Do you love me, Sinclair?"
My words caught in my throat, afraid of what would come out if I opened my mouth. I nodded, not once taking my eyes away from his.
"Good. Because I won't let you go this time, Sinclair. We both fucked up in the past. We both made huge mistakes. But we have the rest of our lives to make things right. Do you understand?"
Again, I nodded because I couldn't speak. My vision blurred from the thick heavy tears as his soft confident lips pressed against my trembling ones. The gentlest kiss ever.
Kai pulled away and looked at me. The love and adoration written across his face made me want to deserve the love he offered. He made me want to be worthy. But I had secrets, skeletons in closets that had been locked up for so long, I didn't have the keys to unlock them.
"Kai, I can't stay here." My sobs were more like a plea for help. "You have a life here. A purpose, a career. Mine is in Palm Springs."
"Sinclair, I never had a purpose. I'm an empty shell without you. Everything I've done, was because I tried to fill the hole you blew in my heart that day at ASU."
I remembered the expression on his face when I approached my car that day, all happy and confident. The talk we had, the argument. I yelled at him, I hated yelling at him, and he yelled at me, and I told him I hated him. That I only kept him around because of Noah and Adam, and that he was pathetic for being best friends with a girl. He said, 'Fuck you, Sinclair, I hope life gives you everything you want.' and