“Whether the cook prepared it medium well or not depends on your consciousness. Until you take the lid off, the steak could be done in any number of ways.”

Alex beamed proudly at her boyfriend.

Garrett gave him a blank stare. “You mean my steak might not be medium well?”

“In all probability, no pun intended, it is. But, if by some chance, it isn’t done as you wanted, it’s the café’s disclaimer.” Blake paused, took a sip from his cup as Garrett stared at his plate. “Not to worry, they will make you another steak if your consciousness sees anything but how you ordered it.”

“Go, ahead, Garrett,” Rain said, placing her hand on the box. “We’ll send an intention out into the Universe so your steak is medium well.”

Garrett laughed, took a deep breath, then lifted the box, placing it to the side. He cut into the steak, examining its state. “Ah, just the right hint of pink. Medium well.”

But the biker stared at his plate. “What’s up with these mashed potatoes? They’re shaped a little strange.”

Alex giggled, again. “Those are called Devil’s Tower potatoes. They were inspired from the movie about aliens, where that character sculpted his mashed potatoes to look like that.” Garrett just shook his head, as he picked up his fork.

“So, what’s your story?” Rain asked Alex, before taking a bite of her meltdown.

“Love’s Surprise.”Alex said spontaneously, providing her with the title of the book they had bounded out of.

“I beg your pardon.”

“What she means is you’d be surprised by it,” Blake said hastily. “We’re originally from Kansas, but staying with a cousin of Alex’s while we…”

Alex knew he was about to say make our way home, so she helped him out.

“…work on our degrees. We’ve only recently enrolled in UNO. After we graduate, we’ll probably go back home to Kansas.”

The two couples continued to chat. Rain took the last sip of her smoothie, then put her leather jacket on. “Garrett, I’ll meet you at the hotel in a couple hours. I’m going to check in on that old friend of mine I was telling you about.”

Garrett stood. “Thank you for your hospitality,” he said, “hopefully, we’ll run into each other before we leave.”

“We have to leave, too,” Alex said. “We told JJ we’d drop by and visit her.”

Chapter 50

Kenn looked at the caller ID on his phone and sighed. His mother. He was at the office, absorbed in grading his half of the conspiracy class term papers.

He didn’t have the time or energy to deal with her.

He ran a hand through his hair, as he briefly contemplated not answering it. But he knew the extent of his mom’s tenacity. She would only call the office and Deb would put her through.Might as well get this out of the way now.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Are you and JJ still together? I haven’t heard from you in a long time. I’m worried.”

He rose from his chair and rubbed his neck. “Yes, Mom. We’re still together.”

“That’s a relief. Do you think she’s the one? I’m hoping she’s the one.”

How the hell do I answer that?Of course, JJ was the one. He knew that the first time he saw her at the bookstore. He also knew that someday soon he would propose. He thought about JJ all the time. But he couldn’t tell his mom that. He didn’t want to tell her that. That wasn’t a conversation you have with your mother.

“I really don’t have time to discuss this right now. I’m in the middle of grading papers.”

He glanced to his left and looked at the stack of papers on the floor; he still had a lot to get through. He didn’t need this distraction.

“I’m just saying she’s a lot better choice than the last one you dated. What was her name? I knew it just the other day.”

“Rain!” He had heard the knock at the door. And there she stood.